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Docker Compose YAML Installation
NOTE: This installation method is intended for development use only. Please don't ever let this anywhere near prod!
Keycloak Realm Assumptions:
- Client configuration has not changed since the installtion files were generated. If you change your client configuration, be sure to grab a re-generated installtion .zip from the 'Installation' tab.
- Keycloak server is started with the 'docker' feature enabled. I.E. -Dkeycloak.profile.feature.docker=enabled
Running the Installation:
Spin up a fully functional docker registry with:
docker-compose up
Now you can login against the registry and perform normal operations:
docker login -u $username -p $password localhost:5000
docker pull centos:7 docker tag centos:7 localhost:5000/centos:7 docker push localhost:5000/centos:7
** Remember that users for the docker login
command must be configured and available in the keycloak realm that hosts the docker client.