Export/import is useful especially if you want to migrate your whole Keycloak database from one environment to another or migrate to different database (For example from MySQL to Oracle).
You can trigger export/import at startup of Keycloak server and it's configurable with System properties right now. The fact it's done at server startup means that no-one can access Keycloak UI or REST endpoints
and edit Keycloak database on the fly when export or import is in progress. Otherwise it could lead to inconsistent results.
You can export/import your database either to:
<listitem>Directory on local filesystem</listitem>
<listitem>Single JSON file on your filesystem</listitem>
When importing using the "dir" strategy, note that the files need to follow the naming convention specified below.
If you are importing files which were previously exported, the files already follow this convention.
<listitem>{REALM_NAME}-realm.json, such as "acme-roadrunner-affairs-realm.json" for the realm named "acme-roadrunner-affairs"</listitem>
<listitem>{REALM_NAME}-users-{INDEX}.json, such as "acme-roadrunner-affairs-users-0.json" for the first users file of the realm named "acme-roadrunner-affairs"</listitem>
If you have bigger amount of users in your database (500 or more), it's higly recommended to export into directory rather than to single file.
Exporting into single file may lead to the very big file. Also the directory provider is using separate transaction for each "page" (file with users),
which leads to much better performance. Default count of users per file (and transaction) is 50, which showed us best performance, but you have possibility to override (See below).
Exporting to single file is using one transaction per whole export and one per whole import, which leads to
bad performance with large amount of users - time increases exponentially with number of users.
can be used to specify for Directory providers to specify where to import users.
Possible values are:
<listitem>DIFFERENT_FILES - Users will be exported into more different files according to maximum number of users per file. This is default value</listitem>
<listitem>SKIP - exporting of users will be skipped completely</listitem>
<listitem>REALM_FILE - All users will be exported to same file with realm (So file like "foo-realm.json" with both realm data and users)</listitem>
<listitem>SAME_FILE - All users will be exported to same file but different than realm (So file like "foo-realm.json" with realm data and "foo-users.json" with users)</listitem>
can be used to specify number of users per file (and also per DB transaction).