2024-08-29 12:10:19 +02:00

38 lines
1,002 B

const YAML = require('js-yaml');
* Converts a string with front-matter
* @param {String} str - String with front-matter
* @param {Object} options - Object with Options
* @returns {Object}
const matter = (str = '', options) => {
const { delimiters, parser: parse } = Object.assign(
delimiters: ['---', '---'],
parser: YAML.load,
const [open, close] = delimiters;
const r1 = new RegExp(`^${open}[\r\n]`);
const r2 = new RegExp(`[\r\n]${close}[\r\n]`);
if (!(r1.test(str) && r2.test(str))) return { content: str };
const x = r1.exec(str);
const i = x[0].length;
const y = r2.exec(str.substr(i));
const j = i + y.index;
const k = j + y[0].length;
const front = str.substring(i, j);
const data = parse(front);
let content = str.slice(k);
if (content[0] === '\r') {
content = content.slice(1);
if (content[0] === '\n') {
content = content.slice(1);
return { data, content };
module.exports = matter;