Why is SCIM better ?

Others management protocols

With this LDAP approach everything is centralized (except authorization).

LDAP diagram

Everything speaks the LDAP protocol langage. Identities are stored in an LDAP directory, which is provisioned via LDAP protocol. Authentication is done by the application that asks the user’s credentials and validates them against the directory via LDAP protocol.

This architecture tackles the two main drawbacks of the only LDAP approach : the missing single sign-on and the security vulnerability. Authentication is delegated to other web protocols (like OAuth, OIDC or SAML). This way, the user logs in only once to the identity provider.

LDAP with SSO diagram

On modern web infrastructure, LDAP started to be abandoned because loose provisioning can also be done via SSO protocols.

SSO only diagram

SCIM solve the remaining problems via a simple standard web api. This infrastructure is event driven, a provisioning action on the IdP is quickly passed on all applications.

SSO with SCIM diagram
Easy to implement
Mature but old and difficult

Mature but old and difficult

Simple and web native, but non-standard IdP

Cli or UI could be used on IdP or on apps
Many implementations
Not a lot of implementations yet
Single sign-on
User must sign-on each application
No trust issues
Expose user’s credentials to each application


Zero trust in applications

Zero trust in applications
Scalable provisioning
By diffing, each app reads all and compares it

By diffing, each app reads all and compares it

No diffing, modern storage, SQL database can be used

Real time atomic provisioning
Scalable provisioning
Only when apps trigger it or when the user logs in

Only when apps trigger it or when the user logs in

No way to remove a user from the application
GDPR Compliant