.tilt | ||
api | ||
cluster | ||
cmd | ||
config | ||
docs | ||
gen/proto/portability/v1alpha1 | ||
hack | ||
internal | ||
pkg | ||
proto/portability/v1alpha1 | ||
renovate | ||
scripts | ||
testing | ||
tools/lsh-gen | ||
.dockerignore | ||
.gitignore | ||
.golangci.yml | ||
buf.gen.yaml | ||
Dockerfile | ||
Dockerfile.tilt | ||
go.mod | ||
go.sum | ||
homeserver.yml | ||
kind-config.yaml | ||
Makefile | ||
README.md | ||
renovate.json5 | ||
shell.nix | ||
Tiltfile |
libre.sh is a platform to manage many instances of different applications at scale.
Use Cases
The use cases directory lists things we try to achieve with libre.sh.
Application: an application is a web application that is usable by an end user (For instance: HedgeDoc, Discourse, …). Object Store (S3 API “standard”): An http API to store and retrieve objects. PITR: Point in Time Recovery
Cluster Operator
A Cluster Operator is a System Administrator, or Site Reliability Engineer that is transforming raw machines (physical, virtual) into a production Kubernetes cluster. This person is typically root on servers and on Kubernetes API.
Application Operator
An Application Operator is a person that is less technical than a Cluster Operator, and doesn’t necessarily understand the command line interface. But this person, through a nice User interface, is able to manipulate high level objects that represent the application.
End User
A user that will interact only with an application.
Architecture decision records
libre.sh runtime
A collection of controllers and services that are required to deploy applications instances.
libre.sh runtime manager
The controller in charge of installing/configuring/upgrading the runtime.
- nix-shell
Enter the shell
Creating the cluster
kind create cluster --config kind-config.yaml
Running tilt
tilt up
Installing CA
CAROOT=. mkcert -install
Deleting the cluster
kind delete cluster --name libresh-dev
Uninstalling CA
CAROOT=. mkcert -uninstall
Minimal install
kubectl create ns libresh-system
kubectl create cm -f - << EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: cluster-settings
namespace: libresh-system
type: Opaque
CLUSTER_DOMAIN: my-cluster.my-domain.fr
CLUSTER_EMAIL: admin@my-domain.fr
CLUSTER_NAME: my-cluster
kubectl create -f ./cluster/libresh-cluster.yml
kubectl create -f ./cluster/priorityclasses/flux-ks.yml
kubectl create -f ./cluster/components/networking/cert-manager/flux-ks.yml
kubectl create -f ./cluster/components/networking/ingress-nginx/flux-ks.yml
kubectl create -f ./cluster/components/databases/postgres-zalando/flux-ks.yaml
Deploy CertManager ClusterIssuer
kubectl apply -f ./cluster/components/networking/cert-manager-issuers/self-signed.yaml
Deploy MinIO Tenant
# deploy minio operator
cd ./cluster/components/objectstore/minio/
kubectl create -f ./flux-ks.yml
cd tenant-example
cp ./config-example.env ./config.env
vi ./config.env
kubectl -n minio create secret generic --from-file=./config.env prod-storage-configuration
# deploy minio tenant - This part is given as a rough example, read and modify carefuly, but you can get the idea
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN=my-cluster.my-domain.fr
envsubst < ./tenant-example.yaml > ./tenant.yaml
vi ./tenant.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./tenant.yaml
configure libresh-system
kubectl create -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: libresh-config
namespace: libresh-system
type: Opaque
object-storage.yml: |
apiVersion: objectstorage.libre.sh/v1alpha1
kind: ObjectStorageConfig
data: my-s3
pitr: my-s3
- name: my-s3
insecure: false
accessKey: CHANGE_ME
secretKey: CHANGE_ME
mailbox.yml: |
apiVersion: config.libre.sh/v1alpha1
kind: MailboxConfig
providers: []
keycloak.yml: |
default: ""
providers: []
make install
IMG=registry.libre.sh/operator:v1.0.0-alpha.1 make deploy
Deploy observability
We'll deploy components in this order:
- Loki
- Thanos
- Prometheus (with alertmanager)
- Promtail
- Grafana
kubectl create secret generic loki.admin.creds --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=$(cat /dev/random | tr -dc '[:alnum:]' | head -c 40)
k apply -f ./cluster/components/observability/loki/flux-ks.yaml
k apply -f ./cluster/components/observability/thanos/flux-ks.yaml
k apply -f ./cluster/crds/prometheus-crds/flux-ks.yaml
k apply -f ./cluster/components/observability/prometheus-stack/flux-ks.yaml
k apply -f ./cluster/components/observability/promtail/flux-ks.yaml
kubectl create secret generic grafana.admin.creds --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=$(cat /dev/random | tr -dc '[:alnum:]' | head -c 40)
k apply -f ./cluster/components/observability/grafana/flux-ks.yaml
Deploy velero backups
k apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vmware-tanzu/helm-charts/main/charts/velero/crds/schedules.yaml
k apply -f ./cluster/components/backups/velero/flux-ks.yaml
# to sync creds of the bucket:
flux -n libresh-system suspend ks velero
flux -n libresh-system resume ks velero
Renovabot runs regularly, it will create MR against main
Currently a human has to accept them.
Once you are happy with a state of the main branch, you can tag a release.
Then, to update your cluster, you just need to edit the tag in the gitrepository:
kubectl -n libresh-system edit gitrepositories libresh-cluster
This will update all components managed by libre.sh.
Update libre.sh operator on configured cluster
make install && make deploy