Michal Hajas 496c5ad989 Use new findGroupByPath implementation and remove the old one
Closes #23344

Signed-off-by: Michal Hajas <>
2023-09-25 10:44:24 +02:00
src Use new findGroupByPath implementation and remove the old one 2023-09-25 10:44:24 +02:00
pom.xml Disable CockroachDB model tests since they are flaky (#23391) 2023-09-20 16:04:11 +00:00

Model testsuite

Model testsuite runs tests on raw KeycloakSessionFactory which is initialized only with those providers that are explicitly enabled in a used profile via keycloak.model.parameters system property.

This allows writing tests and running those in different configurations quickly, e.g. once with legacy JPA storage, second time with purely new Hot Rod implementation.

The valid parameters are names of classes in org.keycloak.testsuite.model.parameters package, and it is possible to combine those by providing multiple class names separated by comma.

To simplify matters, common combinations of parameters are defined as maven profiles.

Test coverage

To see test coverage via jacoco, set jacoco.skip property to false, e.g.:

mvn test -Pjpa -Dtest=ClientModelTest -Djacoco.skip=false

Then you can generate the coverage report by using the following command:

mvn org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.7:report \
    -Djacoco.skip=false -Djacoco.dataFile=target/jacoco.exec

The test coverage report is then available from target/site/jacoco/index.html file.


If you have Async Profiler installed, you can generate flame graphs of the test run for profiling purposes. To do so, you set libasyncProfilerPath system property to the location of the async profiler library:

mvn test -Pjpa -Dtest=ClientModelTest \

The results are available in the target/profile.html file.

Usage of Testcontainers

Some profiles within model tests require running 3rd party software, for example, database or Infinispan. For running these we are using Testcontainers. This may require some additional configuration of your container engine.

Podman settings

For more details see the following Podman guide from Quarkus webpage.

Specifically, these steps are required:

# Enable the podman socket with Docker REST API (only needs to be done once)
systemctl --user enable podman.socket --now

# Set the required environment variables (need to be run everytime or added to profile)
export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///run/user/${UID}/podman/podman.sock

Testcontainers are using ryuk to cleanup containers after tests. To make this work with Podman add the following line to ~/


Alternatively, disable usage of ryuk (using this may result in stale containers still running after tests finish. This is not recommended especially if you are executing tests from Intellij IDE as it may not stop the containers created during test run).

export TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED=true #not recommended - see above!

Docker settings

To use Testcontainers with Docker it is necessary to make Docker available for non-root users.

Running HotRod tests with external Infinispan

By default, Model tests with hot-rod profile spawn a new Infinispan container with each test execution. It is also possible, to configure Model tests to connect to an external instance of Infinispan. To do so, execute tests with the following command:

mvn test -Phot-rod \
  -Dkeycloak.testsuite.start-hotrod-container=false \<host> \
  -Dkeycloak.connectionsHotRod.port=<port> \
  -Dkeycloak.connectionsHotRod.username=<username> \

Running tests with map-jpa profile using external Postgres database

By default, Model tests with map-jpa profile spawns a new Postgres container with each test execution. Default image used is "postgres:alpine". To spawn different version, it can be used "" system property.

It is also possible, to configure Model tests to connect to an external instance of Postgres. To do so, execute tests with the following command:

mvn test -Pmap-jpa \
  -Dpostgres.start-container=false \<jdbc_url> \<user> \<password>