2016-06-01 10:23:49 -03:00

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=== Features
* SSO and Single Log Out for browser applications
* Social Login. Enable Google, GitHub, Facebook, Twitter, and other social providers with no code required.
* LDAP and Active Directory support.
* Optional User Registration
* Password and TOTP support (via Google Authenticator). Client cert auth coming soon.
* Forgot password support. User can have an email sent to them
* Reset password/totp. Admin can force a password reset, or set up a temporary password.
* Not-before revocation policies per realm, application, or user.
* User session management. Admin can view user sessions and what applications/clients have an access token. Sessions can be invalidated
per realm or per user.
* Pluggable theme and style support for user facing screens. Login, grant pages, account mgmt, and admin console all
can be styled, branded, and tailored to your application and organizational needs.
* Integrated Browser App to REST Service token propagation
* OAuth Bearer token auth for REST Services
* OAuth 2.0 Grant requests
* OpenID Connect Support.
* SAML Support.
* CORS Support
* CORS Web Origin management and validation
* Completely centrally managed user and role mapping metadata. Minimal configuration at the application side
* Admin Console for managing users, roles, role mappings, clients, user sessions and allowed CORS web origins.
* Account Management console that allows users to manage their own account, view their open sessions, reset passwords, etc.
* Deployable as a WAR, appliance, or on Openshift. Completely clusterable.
* Multitenancy support. You can host and manage multiple realms for multiple organizations. In the same auth server
and even within the same deployed application.
* Identity brokering/chaining. You can make the {{}} server a child IDP to another SAML 2.0 or OpenID Connect IDP.
* Token claim, assertion, and attribute mappings. You can map user attributes, roles, and role names however you want
into a OIDC ID Token, Access Token, SAML attribute statements, etc. This feature allows you to basically
tailor how you want auth responses to look.
* Can support any platform that has an Open ID Connect or SAML 2.0 client adapter. {{}} does provide
client adapters for Pure HTML5/JavaScript apps, JBoss AS7, JBoss EAP 6.x, JBoss EAP 7, Wildfly, Tomcat 7,
Tomcat 8, Jetty 9.1.x, Jetty 9.2.x, and Jetty 8.1.x.
* Tons of SPIs for customizing every aspect of the server.