2017-02-14 10:07:54 +01:00

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=== Creating Scope-Based Permissions
A scope-based permission defines a set of one or more scopes to protect using a set of one or more authorization policies. Unlike resource-based permissions, you can use this permission type to create permissions not only for a resource, but also for the scopes associated with it, providing more granularity when defining the permissions that govern your resources and the actions that can be performed on them.
To create a new scope-based permission, select *Scope-based* in the dropdown list in the upper right corner of the permission listing.
.Add Scope-Based Permission
image:../../{{book.images}}/permission/create-scope.png[alt="Add Scope-Based Permission"]
==== Configuration
* *Name*
A human-readable and unique string describing the permission. A best practice is to use names that are closely related to your business and security requirements, so you
can identify them more easily.
* *Description*
A string containing details about this permission.
* *Resource*
Restricts the scopes to those associated with the selected resource. If none is selected, all scopes are available.
* *Scopes*
Defines a set of one or more scopes to protect.
* *Apply Policy*
Defines a set of one or more policies to associate with a permission.
* *Decision Strategy*
The <<fake/../decision-strategy.adoc#_permission_decision_strategies, Decision Strategy>> for this permission.