fixing: #428
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189 lines
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"clients": {
"clientAuthorization": "Client authorization",
"implicitFlow": "Implicit flow",
"createClient": "Create client",
"importClient": "Import client",
"clientID": "Client ID",
"homeURL": "Home URL",
"webOrigins": "Web origins",
"adminURL": "Admin URL",
"formatOption": "Format option",
"encryptAssertions": "Encrypt assertions",
"clientSignature": "Client signature required",
"downloadAdaptorTitle": "Download adaptor configs",
"credentials": "Credentials",
"roles": "Roles",
"createRole": "Create role",
"noRoles": "No roles for this client",
"noRolesInstructions": "You haven't created any roles for this client. Create a role to get started.",
"clientScopes": "Client scopes",
"addClientScope": "Add client scope",
"addClientScopesTo": "Add client scopes to {{clientId}}",
"clientScopeRemoveSuccess": "Scope mapping successfully removed",
"clientScopeRemoveError": "Could not remove the scope mapping {{error}}",
"clientScopeSuccess": "Scope mapping successfully updated",
"clientScopeError": "Could not update the scope mapping {{error}}",
"searchByName": "Search by name",
"setup": "Setup",
"evaluate": "Evaluate",
"changeTypeTo": "Change type to",
"assignRole": "Assign role",
"clientScope": {
"default": "Default",
"optional": "Optional"
"clientScopeSearch": {
"client": "Client scope",
"assigned": "Assigned type"
"assignedType": "Assigned type",
"hideInheritedRoles": "Hide inherited roles",
"inherentFrom": "Inherited from",
"emptyClientScopes": "This client doesn't have any added client scopes",
"emptyClientScopesInstructions": "There are currently no client scopes linked to this client. You can add existing client scopes to this client to share protocol mappers and roles.",
"emptyClientScopesPrimaryAction": "Add client scopes",
"scopeParameter": "Scope parameter",
"scopeParameterPlaceholder": "Select scope parameters",
"effectiveProtocolMappers": "Effective protocol mappers",
"effectiveRoleScopeMappings": "Effective role scope mappings",
"generatedAccessToken": "Generated access token",
"searchForProtocol": "Search protocol mapper",
"parentClientScope": "Parent client scope",
"searchForRole": "Search role",
"origin": "Origin",
"user": "User",
"details": "Details",
"noGeneratedAccessToken": "No generated access token",
"generatedAccessTokenIsDisabled": "Generated access token is disabled when no user is selected",
"clientList": "Clients",
"clientsList": "Clients list",
"initialAccessToken": "Initial access token",
"clientSettings": "Client details",
"selectEncryptionType": "Select Encryption type",
"generalSettings": "General Settings",
"capabilityConfig": "Capability config",
"clientsExplain": "Clients are applications and services that can request authentication of a user",
"createSuccess": "Client created successfully",
"createError": "Could not create client: '{{error}}'",
"clientImportError": "Could not import client: {{error}}",
"clientSaveSuccess": "Client successfully updated",
"clientSaveError": "Client could not be updated:",
"clientImportSuccess": "Client imported successfully",
"clientDelete": "Delete {{clientId}} ?",
"clientDeletedSuccess": "The client has been deleted",
"clientDeleteError": "Could not delete client: {{error}}",
"clientDeleteConfirmTitle": "Delete client?",
"disableConfirmTitle": "Disable client?",
"downloadAdapterConfig": "Download adapter config",
"disableConfirm": "If you disable this client, you cannot initiate a login or obtain access tokens.",
"clientDeleteConfirm": "If you delete this client, all associated data will be removed.",
"searchInitialAccessToken": "Search token",
"createToken": "Create initial access token",
"tokenDeleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the initial access token {{id}}",
"tokenDeleteConfirmTitle": "Delete initial access token?",
"tokenDeleteSuccess": "initial access token created successfully",
"tokenDeleteError": "Could not delete initial access token: '{{error}}'",
"id": "ID",
"timestamp": "Created date",
"expires": "Expires",
"count": "Count",
"remainingCount": "Remaining count",
"expiration": "Expiration",
"noTokens": "No initial access tokens",
"noTokensInstructions": "You haven't created any initial access tokens. Create an initial access token by clicking \"Create\".",
"tokenSaveError": "Could not create initial access token {{error}}",
"initialAccessTokenDetails": "Initial access token details",
"copyInitialAccessToken": "Please copy and paste the initial access token before closing as it can not be retrieved later.",
"clientAuthentication": "Client authentication",
"authentication": "Authentication",
"authenticationFlow": "Authentication flow",
"standardFlow": "Standard flow",
"directAccess": "Direct access",
"serviceAccount": "Service account roles",
"enableServiceAccount": "Enable service account roles",
"displayOnClient": "Display client on screen",
"consentScreenText": "Client consent screen text",
"loginSettings": "Login settings",
"accessSettings": "Access settings",
"rootUrl": "Root URL",
"validRedirectUri": "Valid redirect URIs",
"loginTheme": "Login theme",
"consentRequired": "Consent required",
"clientAuthenticator": "Client Authenticator",
"changeAuthenticatorConfirmTitle": "Change to {{clientAuthenticatorType}}",
"changeAuthenticatorConfirm": "If you change authenticator to {{clientAuthenticatorType}}, the keycloak database will be updated and you may need to download a new adapter configuration for this client",
"signedJWTConfirm": "You should configure JWKS URL or keys in the \"Keys\" tab to change the parameters of Signed JWT authenticator.",
"clientSecret": "Client secret",
"regenerate": "Regenerate",
"confirmClientSecretTitle": "Regenerate secret for this client?",
"confirmClientSecretBody": "If you regenerate secret, the Keycloak database will be updated and you will need to download a new adapter for this client.",
"confirmAccessTokenTitle": "Regenerate registration access token?",
"confirmAccessTokenBody": "If you regenerate registration access token, the access data regarding the client registration service will be updated.",
"clientSecretSuccess": "Client secret regenerated",
"clientSecretError": "Could not regenerate client secret due to: {{error}}",
"registrationAccessToken": "Registration access token",
"accessTokenSuccess": "Access token regenerated",
"accessTokenError": "Could not regenerate access token due to: {{error}}",
"signatureAlgorithm": "Signature algorithm",
"subject": "Subject DN",
"searchForClient": "Search for client",
"advanced": "Advanced",
"revocation": "Revocation",
"clustering": "Clustering",
"notBefore": "Not before",
"setToNow": "Set to now",
"noAdminUrlSet": "No push sent. No admin URI configured or no registered cluster nodes available",
"notBeforePushFail": "Failed to push \"not before\" to: {{failedNodes}}",
"notBeforePushSuccess": "Successfully push \"not before\" to: {{successNodes}}",
"testClusterFail": "Failed verified availability for: {{failedNodes}}. Fix or unregister failed cluster nodes and try again",
"testClusterSuccess": "Successfully verified availability for: {{successNodes}}",
"deleteNode": "Delete node?",
"deleteNodeBody": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the node \"{{node}}\"",
"deleteNodeSuccess": "Node successfully removed",
"deleteNodeFail": "Could not delete node: '{{error}}'",
"addedNodeSuccess": "Node successfully added",
"addedNodeFail": "Could not add node: '{{error}}'",
"addNode": "Add node",
"push": "Push",
"clear": "Clear",
"none": "None",
"any": "Any",
"nodeReRegistrationTimeout": "Node Re-registration timeout",
"registeredClusterNodes": "Registered cluster nodes",
"nodeHost": "Node host",
"lastRegistration": "Last registration",
"testClusterAvailability": "Test cluster availability",
"registerNodeManually": "Register node manually",
"fineGrainOpenIdConnectConfiguration": "Fine grain OpenID connect configuration",
"fineGrainSamlEndpointConfig": "Fine Grain SAML Endpoint Configuration",
"accessTokenSignatureAlgorithm": "Access token signature algorithm",
"idTokenSignatureAlgorithm": "ID token signature algorithm",
"idTokenEncryptionKeyManagementAlgorithm": "ID token encryption key management algorithm",
"idTokenEncryptionContentEncryptionAlgorithm": "ID token encryption content encryption algorithm",
"userInfoSignedResponseAlgorithm": "User info signed response algorithm",
"requestObjectSignatureAlgorithm": "Request object signature algorithm",
"requestObjectRequired": "Request object required",
"requestObject": {
"not required": "Not required",
"request or request_uri": "Request or Request URI",
"request only": "Request only",
"request_uri only": "Request URI only"
"openIdConnectCompatibilityModes": "Open ID Connect Compatibly Modes",
"excludeSessionStateFromAuthenticationResponse": "Exclude Session State From Authentication Response",
"assertionConsumerServicePostBindingURL": "Assertion Consumer Service POST Binding URL",
"assertionConsumerServiceRedirectBindingURL" :"Assertion Consumer Service Redirect Binding URL",
"logoutServicePostBindingURL": "Logout Service POST Binding URL",
"logoutServiceRedirectBindingURL": "Logout Service Redirect Binding URL",
"advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings",
"assertionLifespan": "Assertion Lifespan",
"accessTokenLifespan": "Access Token Lifespan",
"oAuthMutual": "OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS Certificate Bound Access Tokens Enabled",
"keyForCodeExchange": "Proof Key for Code Exchange Code Challenge Method",
"authenticationOverrides": "Authentication flow overrides",
"browserFlow": "Browser Flow",
"directGrant": "Direct Grant Flow"