
70 lines
3.9 KiB

"deleteAttributeText": "Delete an attribute",
"associatedRolesText": "Associated roles",
"addAssociatedRolesText": "Add associated roles",
"addAssociatedRolesSuccess": "Associated roles have been added",
"addAssociatedRolesError": "Could not associate roles {{error}}",
"associatedRolesModalTitle": "Add roles to {{name}}",
"title": "Realm roles",
"addRole": "Add role",
"createRole": "Create role",
"importRole": "Import role",
"roleID": "Role ID",
"homeURL": "Home URL",
"filterByClients": "Filter by clients",
"filterByRoles": "Filter by roles",
"roleExplain": "Realm roles are the roles that you define for use in the current realm.",
"roleCreateExplain": "This is some description",
"roleName": "Role name",
"roleDetails": "Role details",
"composite": "Composite",
"deleteRole": "Delete this role",
"inheritedFrom": "Inherited from",
"roleList": "Role list",
"searchFor": "Search role by name",
"generalSettings": "General Settings",
"capabilityConfig": "Capability config",
"roleImportError": "Could not import role",
"roleCreated": "Role created",
"roleCreateError": "Could not create role: {{error}}",
"roleImportSuccess": "Role import successful",
"roleDeleteConfirm": "Delete role?",
"roleDeleteConfirmDialog": "This action will permanently delete the role {{selectedRoleName}} and cannot be undone.",
"roleDeletedSuccess": "The role has been deleted",
"roleDeleteError": "Could not delete role: {{error}}",
"defaultRole": "This role serves as a container for both realm and client default roles. It cannot be removed.",
"defaultRoleDeleteError": "You cannot delete a default role.",
"roleSaveSuccess": "The role has been saved",
"roleSaveError": "Could not save role: {{error}}",
"noRoles": "No roles in this realm",
"noRolesInstructions": "You haven't created any roles in this realm. Create a role to get started.",
"roleAuthentication": "Role authentication",
"removeAllAssociatedRoles": "Remove all associated roles",
"removeAssociatedRoles": "Remove associated roles",
"removeRoles": "Remove roles",
"removeAllAssociatedRolesConfirmDialog": "This action will remove the associated roles of {{name}}. Users who have permission to {{name}} will no longer have access to these roles.",
"roleRemoveAssociatedRoleConfirm": "Remove associated role?",
"roleRemoveAssociatedText": "This action will remove {{role}} from {{roleName}}. All the associated roles of {{role}} will also be removed.",
"compositeRoleOff": "Composite role turned off",
"associatedRolesRemoved": "Associated roles have been removed",
"compositesRemovedAlertDescription": "All the associated roles have been removed",
"whoWillAppearLinkText": "Who will appear in this user list?",
"whoWillAppearPopoverText": "This tab shows only the users who are assigned directly to this role. To see users who are assigned this role as an associated role or through a group, go to",
"whoWillAppearPopoverFooterText": "Users who have this role as an effective role cannot be added on this tab.",
"usersInRole": "Users in role",
"addUser": "Add user",
"removeUser": "Remove users",
"removeUserText": "Do you want to remove {{numSelected}} users?. These users will no longer have permissions of the role {{role}} and the associated roles of it.",
"noDirectUsers": "No direct users",
"noUsersEmptyStateDescription": "Only the users with this role directly assigned will appear under this tab. If you need to find users assigned to this role, go to",
"noUsersEmptyStateDescriptionContinued": "to find them. Users that already have this role as an effective role cannot be added here.",
"or": "or",
"users": "Users",
"userName": "Username",
"email": "Email",
"lastName": "Last name",
"firstName": "First name",
"clearAllFilters": "Clear all filters",
"noRolesAssociated": "No associated roles",
"noRolesAssociatedInstructions": "To add roles to this role press the 'Add role' button"