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27 lines
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import { TextInput, TextInputProps } from "@patternfly/react-core";
import { ComponentProps, forwardRef, HTMLProps } from "react";
// PatternFly changes the signature of the 'onChange' handler for input elements.
// This causes issues with React Hook Form as it expects the default signature for an input element.
// So we have to create this wrapper component that takes care of converting these signatures for us.
export type KeycloakTextInputProps = Omit<
ComponentProps<typeof TextInput>,
> &
Pick<HTMLProps<HTMLInputElement>, "onChange">;
export const KeycloakTextInput = forwardRef<
>(({ onChange, ...props }, ref) => {
const onChangeForward: TextInputProps["onChange"] = (_, event) =>
return <TextInput {...props} ref={ref} onChange={onChangeForward} />;
// We need to fake the displayName to match what PatternFly expects.
// This is because PatternFly uses it to filter children in certain aspects.
// This is a stupid approach, but it's not like we can change that.
KeycloakTextInput.displayName = "TextInput";