71 lines
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71 lines
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name: Maven Cache
description: Caches Maven artifacts
description: >
Only those callers which fill the cache with the right contents should set this to true to avoid creating a cache
which contains too few or too many entries.
required: false
default: false
using: composite
- id: weekly-cache-key
name: Key for weekly rotation of cache
shell: bash
run: echo "key=mvn-`date -u "+%Y-%U"`" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- id: cache-maven-repository
name: Maven cache
uses: actions/cache@v4
if: inputs.create-cache-if-it-doesnt-exist == 'true'
# Two asterisks are needed to make the follow-up exclusion work
# see https://github.com/actions/toolkit/issues/713 for the upstream issue
path: |
key: ${{ steps.weekly-cache-key.outputs.key }}
# Enable cross-os archive use the cache on both Linux and Windows
enableCrossOsArchive: true
- shell: powershell
name: Link the cached Maven repository to the OS-dependent location
if: inputs.create-cache-if-it-doesnt-exist == 'false' && runner.os == 'Windows'
# The cache restore in the next step uses the relative path which was valid on Linux and that is part of the archive it downloads.
# You'll see that path when you enable debugging for the GitHub workflow on Windows.
# On Windows, the .m2 folder is in different location, so move all the contents to the right folder here.
# Also, not using the C: drive will speed up the build, see https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/8755
run: |
mkdir -p ../../../.m2/repository
cmd /c mklink /d $HOME\.m2\repository D:\.m2\repository
- id: restore-maven-repository
name: Maven cache
uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
if: inputs.create-cache-if-it-doesnt-exist == 'false'
# This needs to repeat the same path pattern as above to find the matching cache
path: |
key: ${{ steps.weekly-cache-key.outputs.key }}
enableCrossOsArchive: true
- name: Get Node.js and PNPM versions
id: tooling-versions
shell: bash
run: |
echo "node=$(mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=node.version -q -DforceStdout | cut -c 2-)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "pnpm=$(mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=pnpm.version -q -DforceStdout)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# Downloading Node.js often fails due to network issues, therefore we cache the artifacts downloaded by the frontend plugin.
- uses: actions/cache@v4
name: Cache Node.js related artifacts
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-frontend-plugin-artifacts-${{ steps.tooling-versions.outputs.node }}-${{ steps.tooling-versions.outputs.pnpm }}