agagancarczyk 56eb774dd3
Profile view update (#1357)
* added routing for viewing client profile

* added add executors form template

* added add executors form template

* add executor: wip

* add executor: wip

* add executor: wip

* add executor: wip

* add executor: wip

* add executor: wip

* add executor: wip

* add executor: wip

* add executor: wip

* added adding excutors to profiles

* added displaying executors - wip

* added displaying executors - wip

* added navigation to client profile edit on executor creation

* replaced table with list for listing executors added

* added support for editing client profile

* added logic making executors with config links only

* added read only values for edit/view client temporarily

* added helpText for added executors listed in executors list

* added helpText for added executors listed in executors list

* added deleting executor from client profile

* fixed deleting client profile and fixed messages for delete modals

* fixed message for delete clinet profile modal

* combined delete dialogs for client profile and executor

* displaying global executors for global profiles, hiding add executor button

* fixed eslint issue

* fixed executors list

* added back button to global profile view/edit view

* fixed test

* added global batche and hid actions dropdown for global profiles

* fixed switch on/off labels

* fixed hide/display items for global and non-global profiles

* added isDirty

* feedback fixes

* feedback fixes

* feedback fixes

* feedback fixes

* feedback fixes

* feedback fix

* small refactor

* added name and removed unused state

* fixed executor creation

* fixed executor creation

* added saving edited client profile

* added saving edited client profile

* improved trash icon styles

* test fix

* Some code suggestions

* Some more code suggestions

* feedback fixes

* feedback fixes

* use find instead of filter

* feedback fixes

* added defaultValues for executors

* removed defaultValues for executors

* final feedback fixes

* minor fixes

Co-authored-by: Agnieszka Gancarczyk <>
Co-authored-by: Erik Jan de Wit <>
Co-authored-by: Jon Koops <>
2021-10-26 16:16:19 -04:00

156 lines
4.3 KiB

export default {
common: {
fullName: "{{givenName}} {{familyName}}",
unknownUser: "Anonymous",
add: "Add",
yes: "Yes",
no: "No",
create: "Create",
save: "Save",
revert: "Revert",
cancel: "Cancel",
continue: "Continue",
close: "Close",
delete: "Delete",
remove: "Remove",
search: "Search",
noSearchResults: "No search results",
noSearchResultsInstructions: "Click on the search bar above to search",
next: "Next",
back: "Back",
finish: "Finish",
skipCustomizationAndFinish: "Skip customization and finish",
export: "Export",
action: "Action",
download: "Download",
resourceFile: "Resource file",
clear: "Clear",
clearFile: "Clear this file",
clearFileExplain: "Are you sure you want to clear this file?",
on: "On",
off: "Off",
enabled: "Enabled",
disabled: "Disabled",
disable: "Disable",
selectOne: "Select an option",
select: "Select",
choose: "Choose...",
any: "Any",
none: "None",
signOut: "Sign out",
manageAccount: "Manage account",
serverInfo: "Server info",
realmInfo: "Realm info",
help: "Help",
helpLabel: "More help for {{label}}",
helpEnabled: "Help on",
helpDisabled: "Help off",
documentation: "Documentation",
enableHelpMode: "Enable help mode",
learnMore: "Learn more",
show: "Show",
hide: "Hide",
showRemaining: "Show ${remaining}",
test: "Test",
testConnection: "Test connection",
name: "Name",
role: "Role",
description: "Description",
type: "Type",
category: "Category",
priority: "Priority",
unexpectedError: "An unexpected error occurred: '{{error}}'",
retry: "Press here to refresh and continue",
plus: "Plus",
minus: "Minus",
clientScope: {
default: "Default",
optional: "Optional",
none: "None",
allTypes: "All types",
home: "Home",
manage: "Manage",
clients: "Clients",
clientScopes: "Client scopes",
realmRoles: "Realm roles",
users: "Users",
groups: "Groups",
sessions: "Sessions",
events: "Events",
mappers: "Mappers",
configure: "Configure",
realmSettings: "Realm settings",
authentication: "Authentication",
identityProviders: "Identity providers",
userFederation: "User federation",
settings: "Settings",
details: "Details",
required: "Required field",
maxLength: "Max length {{length}}",
createRealm: "Create Realm",
recent: "Recent",
jumpToSection: "Jump to section",
Sunday: "Sunday",
Monday: "Monday",
Tuesday: "Tuesday",
Wednesday: "Wednesday",
Thursday: "Thursday",
Friday: "Friday",
Saturday: "Saturday",
unitLabel: "Select a time unit",
times: {
seconds: "Seconds",
minutes: "Minutes",
hours: "Hours",
days: "Days",
years: "Years",
attributes: "Attributes",
clientId: "Client ID",
id: "ID",
addMapper: "Add mapper",
createNewMapper: "Create new mapper",
searchForMapper: "Search for mapper",
mapperType: "Mapper type",
mappingDeletedSuccess: "Mapping successfully deleted",
mappingDeletedError: "Could not delete mapping: '{{error}}'",
mappingDetails: "Mapper details",
mappingUpdatedSuccess: "Mapping successfully updated",
mappingUpdatedError: "Could not update mapping: '{{error}}'",
mappingCreatedSuccess: "Mapping successfully created",
mappingCreatedError: "Could not create mapping: '{{error}}'",
deleteMappingTitle: "Delete mapping?",
deleteMappingConfirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this mapping?",
emptyMappers: "No mappers",
"If you want to add mappers, please click the button below to add some predefined mappers or to configure a new mapper.",
emptyPrimaryAction: "Add predefined mapper",
leaveDirtyTitle: "Leave without saving?",
"Do you want to leave this page without saving? Any unsaved changes will be lost.",
leave: "Leave",
reorder: "Reorder",
onDragStart: "Dragging started for item {{item}}",
onDragMove: "Dragging item {{item}}",
onDragCancel: "Dragging cancelled. List is unchanged.",
onDragFinish: "Dragging finished {{list}}",
notFound: "Could not find the resource that you are looking for",