Bruno Oliveira 1b2a5eda32
Initial FreeIPA Integration
- Provide username/password authentication with PAM
  - Obtain user data from SSSD
  - Feature packs for dbus-java, libpam4j and SSSD API
  - Provisioning script
2016-09-06 18:04:43 -03:00

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1.5 KiB

The D-Bus Java implementation was written by:
Matthew Johnson <dbus -at matthew -dot- ath -dot- cx>
Bug fixes/reports and other suggestions from:
Remi Emonet <remi.emonet -at- inrialpes -dot- fr>
Simon McVittie <simon -dot- mcvittie -at- collabora -dot- co -dot- uk>
Dick Hollenbeck <dick -at- softplc -dot- com>
Joshua Nichols <nichoj -at- gentoo -dot- org>
Ralf Kistner <ralf.kistner -at- gmail -dot- com>
Henrik Petander <henrik -dot- petander -at- iki -dot- fi>
Luigi Paioro <luigi -at- lambrate -dot- it>
Roberto Francisco Arroyo Moreno <robfram -at- ugr -dot- es>
Steve Crane <Steve -dot Crane -at- rococosoft -dot- com>
Philippe Marschall <philippe -dot- marschall -at- gmail -dot- com>
Daniel Machado <cdanielmachado -at- gmail -dot- com>
Anibal Sanchez <anibal -dot- sanchez -at- sunya -dot- com -dot- ar>
Jan Kümmel <freedesktop -at- snorc -dot- org>
Johannes Felten <johannesfelten -at- googlemail -dot- com>
Tom Walsh <walshtc -at- gmail -dot- com>
Ed Wei <Edward.Wei.03 -at- alum -dot- dartmouth -dot- org>
Sveinung Kvilhaugsvik <sveinung84 -at- users -dot- sourceforge -dot- net>
Hugues Moreau <hmoreau -at- gmail -dot- com>
Viktar Vauchkevich <vctr -at- yandex -dot- ru>
Serkan Kaba <serkan_kaba -at- yahoo -dot- com>
Adam Bennett <cruxic -at- gmail -dot- com>
Frank Benoit <benoit -at- tionex -dot- de>
Gunnar Aastrand Grimnes <gunnar -dot- grimnes -at- dfki -dot- de>
The included Viewer application was originally written by:
Peter Cox <petercox -at- gawab -dot- com>
with patches from:
Zsombor Gegesy <gzsombor -at- gmail -dot- com>