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"redirectURI": "The redirect uri to use when configuring the identity provider.",
"alias": "The alias uniquely identifies an identity provider and it is also used to build the redirect uri.",
"displayName": "Friendly name for Identity Providers.",
"clientId": "The client identifier registered with the identity provider.",
"clientSecret": "The client secret registered with the identity provider. This field is able to obtain its value from vault, use ${vault.ID} format.",
"displayOrder": "Number defining the order of the providers in GUI (for example, on the Login page). The lowest number will be applied first.",
"endpoints": "Shows the configuration of the Service Provider endpoint",
"useDiscoveryEndpoint": "If this setting is enabled, the discovery endpoint will be used to fetch the provider config. Keycloak can load the config from the endpoint and automatically update the config if the source has any updates",
"discoveryEndpoint": "Import metadata from a remote IDP discovery descriptor.",
"importConfig": "Import metadata from a downloaded IDP discovery descriptor.",
"passLoginHint": "Pass login_hint to identity provider.",
"passMaxAge": "Pass max_age to identity provider.",
"passCurrentLocale": "Pass the current locale to the identity provider as a ui_locales parameter.",
"logoutUrl": "End session endpoint to use to logout user from external IDP.",
"backchannelLogout": "Does the external IDP support backchannel logout?",
"disableUserInfo": "Disable usage of User Info service to obtain additional user information? Default is to use this OIDC service.",
"isAccessTokenJWT": "The Access Token received from the Identity Provider is a JWT and its claims will be accessible for mappers.",
"userInfoUrl": "The User Info Url. This is optional.",
"issuer": "The issuer identifier for the issuer of the response. If not provided, no validation will be performed.",
"scopes": "The scopes to be sent when asking for authorization. It can be a space-separated list of scopes. Defaults to 'openid'.",
"prompt": "Specifies whether the Authorization Server prompts the End-User for re-authentication and consent.",
"acceptsPromptNone": "This is just used together with Identity Provider Authenticator or when kc_idp_hint points to this identity provider. In case that client sends a request with prompt=none and user is not yet authenticated, the error will not be directly returned to client, but the request with prompt=none will be forwarded to this identity provider.",
"validateSignature": "Enable/disable signature validation of external IDP signatures.",
"useJwksUrl": "If the switch is on, identity provider public keys will be downloaded from given JWKS URL. This allows great flexibility because new keys will be always re-downloaded again when identity provider generates new keypair. If the switch is off, public key (or certificate) from the Keycloak DB is used, so when the identity provider keypair changes, you always need to import the new key to the Keycloak DB as well.",
"validatingPublicKey": "The public key in PEM format that must be used to verify external IDP signatures.",
"validatingPublicKeyId": "Explicit ID of the validating public key given above if the key ID. Leave blank if the key above should be used always, regardless of key ID specified by external IDP; set it if the key should only be used for verifying if the key ID from external IDP matches.",
"jwksUrl": "URL where identity provider keys in JWK format are stored. See JWK specification for more details. If you use external Keycloak identity provider, you can use URL like 'http://broker-keycloak:8180/realms/test/protocol/openid-connect/certs' assuming your brokered Keycloak is running on 'http://broker-keycloak:8180' and its realm is 'test' .",
"pkceEnabled": "Use PKCE (Proof of Key-code exchange) for IdP Brokering",
"pkceMethod": "PKCE Method to use",
"allowedClockSkew": "Clock skew in seconds that is tolerated when validating identity provider tokens. Default value is zero.",
"attributeConsumingServiceIndex": "Index of the Attribute Consuming Service profile to request during authentication.",
"attributeConsumingServiceName": "Name of the Attribute Consuming Service profile to advertise in the SP metadata.",
"forwardParameters": "Non OpenID Connect/OAuth standard query parameters to be forwarded to external IDP from the initial application request to Authorization Endpoint. Multiple parameters can be entered, separated by comma (,).",
"clientAuthentication": "The client authentication method (cfr. https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClientAuthentication). In case of JWT signed with private key, the realm private key is used.",
"clientAssertionSigningAlg": "Signature algorithm to create JWT assertion as client authentication. In the case of JWT signed with private key or Client secret as jwt, it is required. If no algorithm is specified, the following algorithm is adapted. RS256 is adapted in the case of JWT signed with private key. HS256 is adapted in the case of Client secret as jwt.",
"storeTokens": "Enable/disable if tokens must be stored after authenticating users.",
"storedTokensReadable": "Enable/disable if new users can read any stored tokens. This assigns the broker.read-token role.",
"trustEmail": "If enabled, email provided by this provider is not verified even if verification is enabled for the realm.",
"accountLinkingOnly": "If true, users cannot log in through this provider. They can only link to this provider. This is useful if you don't want to allow login from the provider, but want to integrate with a provider",
"hideOnLoginPage": "If hidden, login with this provider is possible only if requested explicitly, for example using the 'kc_idp_hint' parameter.",
"filteredByClaim": "If true, ID tokens issued by the identity provider must have a specific claim. Otherwise, the user can not authenticate through this broker.",
"claimFilterName": "Name of the essential claim",
"claimFilterValue": "Value of the essential claim (with regex support)",
"firstBrokerLoginFlowAlias": "Alias of authentication flow, which is triggered after first login with this identity provider. Term 'First Login' means that no Keycloak account is currently linked to the authenticated identity provider account.",
"postBrokerLoginFlowAlias": "Alias of authentication flow, which is triggered after each login with this identity provider. Useful if you want additional verification of each user authenticated with this identity provider (for example OTP). Leave this to \"None\" if you need no any additional authenticators to be triggered after login with this identity provider. Also note that authenticator implementations must assume that user is already set in ClientSession as identity provider already set it.",
"syncMode": "Default sync mode for all mappers. The sync mode determines when user data will be synced using the mappers. Possible values are: 'legacy' to keep the behaviour before this option was introduced, 'import' to only import the user once during first login of the user with this identity provider, 'force' to always update the user during every login with this identity provider.",
"serviceProviderEntityId": "The Entity ID that will be used to uniquely identify this SAML Service Provider.",
"identityProviderEntityId": "The Entity ID used to validate the Issuer for received SAML assertions. If empty, no Issuer validation is performed.",
"useEntityDescriptor": "Import metadata from a remote IDP SAML entity descriptor.",
"samlEntityDescriptor": "Allows you to load external IDP metadata from a config file or to download it from a URL.",
"ssoServiceUrl": "The Url that must be used to send authentication requests (SAML AuthnRequest).",
"singleLogoutServiceUrl": "The Url that must be used to send logout requests.",
"nameIdPolicyFormat": "Specifies the URI reference corresponding to a name identifier format.",
"principalType": "Way to identify and track external users from the assertion. Default is using Subject NameID, alternatively you can set up identifying attribute.",
"principalAttribute": "Name or Friendly Name of the attribute used to identify external users.",
"allowCreate": "Allow the external identity provider to create a new identifier to represent the principal.",
"httpPostBindingResponse": "Indicates whether to respond to requests using HTTP-POST binding. If false, HTTP-REDIRECT binding will be used.",
"httpPostBindingAuthnRequest": "Indicates whether the AuthnRequest must be sent using HTTP-POST binding. If false, HTTP-REDIRECT binding will be used.",
"httpPostBindingLogout": "Indicates whether to respond to requests using HTTP-POST binding. If false, HTTP-REDIRECT binding will be used.",
"wantAuthnRequestsSigned": "Indicates whether the identity provider expects a signed AuthnRequest.",
"signatureAlgorithm": "The signature algorithm to use to sign documents. Note that 'SHA1' based algorithms are deprecated and can be removed in the future. It is recommended to stick to some more secure algorithm instead of '*_SHA1'",
"encryptionAlgorithm": "Encryption algorithm, which is used by SAML IDP for encryption of SAML documents, assertions or IDs. The corresponding decryption key for decrypt SAML document parts will be chosen based on this configured algorithm and should be available in realm keys for the encryption (ENC) usage. If algorithm is not configured, then any supported algorithm is allowed and decryption key will be chosen based on the algorithm configured in SAML document itself.",
"samlSignatureKeyName": "Signed SAML documents contain identification of signing key in KeyName element. For Keycloak / RH-SSO counter-party, use KEY_ID, for MS AD FS use CERT_SUBJECT, for others check and use NONE if no other option works.",
"wantAssertionsSigned": "Indicates whether this service provider expects a signed Assertion.",
"wantAssertionsEncrypted": "Indicates whether this service provider expects an encrypted Assertion.",
"forceAuthentication": "Indicates whether the identity provider must authenticate the presenter directly rather than rely on a previous security context.",
"validateSignatures": "Enable/disable signature validation of SAML responses.",
"validatingX509Certs": "The certificate in PEM format that must be used to check for signatures. Multiple certificates can be entered, separated by comma (,).",
"signServiceProviderMetadata": "Enable/disable signature of the provider SAML metadata.",
"passSubject": "During login phase, forward an optional login_hint query parameter to SAML AuthnRequest's Subject.",
"comparison": "Specifies the comparison method used to evaluate the requested context classes or statements. The default is \"Exact\".",
"authnContextClassRefs": "Ordered list of requested AuthnContext ClassRefs.",
"authnContextDeclRefs": "Ordered list of requested AuthnContext DeclRefs.",
"addIdpMapperName": "Name of the mapper.",
"syncModeOverride": "Overrides the default sync mode of the IDP for this mapper. Values are: 'legacy' to keep the behaviour before this option was introduced, 'import' to only import the user once during first login of the user with this identity provider, 'force' to always update the user during every login with this identity provider and 'inherit' to use the sync mode defined in the identity provider for this mapper.",
"advancedAttributeToRole": "If the set of attributes exists and can be matched, grant the user the specified realm or client role.",
"usernameTemplateImporter": "Format the username to import.",
"hardcodedUserSessionAttribute": "When a user is imported from a provider, hardcode a value to a specific user session attribute.",
"externalRoleToRole": "Looks for an external role in a keycloak access token. If external role exists, grant the user the specified realm or client role.",
"advancedClaimToRole": "If all claims exist, grant the user the specified realm or client role.",
"claimToRole": "If a claim exists, grant the user the specified realm or client role.",
"oidcAttributeImporter": "Import declared claim if it exists in ID, access token, or the claim set returned by the user profile endpoint into the specified user property or attribute.",
"attributeImporter": "Import declared SAML attribute if it exists in assertion into the specified user property or attribute.",
"hardcodedRole": "When user is imported from provider, hardcode a role mapping for it.",
"hardcodedAttribute": "When user is imported from provider, hardcode a value to a specific user attribute.",
"samlAttributeToRole": "If an attribute exists, grant the user the specified realm or client role.",
"template": "Template to use to format the username to import. Substitutions are enclosed in ${}. For example: '${ALIAS}.${CLAIM.sub}'. ALIAS is the provider alias. CLAIM.<NAME> references an ID or Access token claim. The substitution can be converted to upper or lower case by appending |uppercase or |lowercase to the substituted value, e.g. '${CLAIM.sub | lowercase}",
"target": "Destination field for the mapper. LOCAL (default) means that the changes are applied to the username stored in local database upon user import. BROKER_ID and BROKER_USERNAME means that the changes are stored into the ID or username used for federation user lookup, respectively.",
"userSessionAttribute": "Name of user session attribute you want to hardcode",
"userAttribute": "Name of user attribute you want to hardcode",
"claim": "Name of claim to search for in token. You can reference nested claims by using a '.', i.e. 'address.locality'. To use dot (.) literally, escape it with backslash. (\\.)",
"socialProfileJSONFieldPath": "Path of field in Social Provider User Profile JSON data to get value from. You can use dot notation for nesting and square brackets for array index. E.g. 'contact.address[0].country'.",
"userAttributeValue": "Value you want to hardcode",
"attributeName": "Name of attribute to search for in assertion. You can leave this blank and specify a friendly name instead.",
"friendlyName": "Friendly name of attribute to search for in assertion. You can leave this blank and specify a name instead.",
"userAttributeName": "User attribute name to store SAML attribute. Use email, lastName, and firstName to map to those predefined user properties.",
"socialUserAttributeName": "User attribute name to store information.",
"attributeValue": "Value the attribute must have. If the attribute is a list, then the value must be contained in the list.",
"attributes": "Name and (regex) value of the attributes to search for in token. The configured name of an attribute is searched in SAML attribute name and attribute friendly name fields. Every given attribute description must be met to set the role. If the attribute is an array, then the value must be contained in the array. If an attribute can be found several times, then one match is sufficient.",
"regexAttributeValues": "If enabled attribute values are interpreted as regular expressions.",
"role": "Role to grant to user if all attributes are present. Click 'Select Role' button to browse roles, or just type it in the textbox. To reference a client role the syntax is clientname.clientrole, i.e. myclient.myrole"