Jon Koops fc85d1a005 Integrate Prettier into ESLint and fix linting issues
Other changes:
- Ensure that .tsx files are included in the linting process
2021-07-13 15:20:36 +02:00

132 lines
4 KiB

# Keycloak Admin Console V2
This project is the next generation of the Keycloak Administration Console. It is written with React and [PatternFly 4][1].
### Development Instructions
For development on this project you will need a running Keycloak server listening on port 8180.
1. Start keycloak
* Download and run with one command
$> ./start.js
* or download Keycloak server from [keycloak downloads page][2] unpack and run it like:
$> cd <unpacked download folder>/bin
$> standalone -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100
1. Go to the clients section of the existing Keycloak Admin Console and add the client
* like this:
![realm settings](./realm-settings.png "Realm Settings")
* or click on the "Select file" button and import `security-admin-console-v2.json`
* or run `$> ./import.js`
1. Install dependencies and run:
$> npm install
$> npm run start
### Build and run through Docker
git checkout
cd keycloak-admin-ui
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
You can reach the new admin interface at http://localhost
If your Keycloak instance is not on `localhost:8180`, create a file `.env` with the following:
### Additionally there are some nice scripts to format and lint
$> npm run lint
$> npm run check-types
To switch to a RH-SSO themed version of this console you can run:
$> npx grunt switch-rh-sso
To switch back just do a `git checkout public`
# Keycloak UI Test Suite in Cypress
This repository contains the UI tests for Keycloak developed with Cypress framework
## Run the test suite
### Prerequisites
* `Keycloak distribution` has to be [downloaded]( and started on 8081 port.
**note**: the port in at the test suite side in [cypress.json](cypress.json) or at the Keycloak side, see [Keycloak Getting Started Guide](,
* `npm package manager` has to be [downloaded]( and installed.
### via Cypress Test Runner
**By using `npx`:**
**note**: [npx]( is included with `npm > v5.2` or can be installed separately.
npx cypress open
After a moment, the Cypress Test Runner will launch:
### via terminal
**By executing:**
$(npm bin)/cypress run
./node_modules/.bin/cypress run
...or... (requires npm@5.2.0 or greater)
npx cypress run
**To execute a specific test on a specific browser run:**
cypress run --spec "cypress/integration/example-test.spec.js" --browser chrome
**note**: the complete list of parameters can be found in the [official Cypress documentation](
## Project Structure
/assets (added to .gitignore)
/videos - if test fails, the video is stored here
/screenshots - if test fails, the screenshot is stored here
/fixtures - external pieces of static data that can be used by your tests
/integration - used for test files (supported filetypes are .js, .jsx, .coffee and .cjsx)
- index.js - extends Cypress behaviour, custom plugins are imported before every single spec file run
/support - reusable behaviour
- commands.js - custom commands
- index.js - runs before each test file
/cypress.json - Cypress configuration file
/jsconfig.json - Cypress code autocompletion is enabled here
**note**: More about the project structure in the [official Cypress documentation](
## License
* [Apache License, Version 2.0](