[id="installing-sample-code_{context}"] = Installing sample code to secure the application The final procedure is to make this application secure by installing some sample code from the {quickstartRepo_link} repository. The quickstarts work with the most recent {project_name} release. The sample code is the *app-profile-jee-vanilla* quickstart. It demonstrates how to change a Jakarta EE application that is secured with basic authentication without changing the WAR. The {project_name} client adapter subsystem changes the authentication method and injects the configuration. .Prerequisites You have the following installed on your machine and available in your PATH. * Java JDK 8 * Apache Maven 3.1.1 or higher * Git You have a *keycloak.json* file. .Procedure . Make sure your {appserver_name} application server is started. . Download the code and change directories using the following commands. + [source, subs="attributes"] ---- $ git clone {quickstartRepo_link} $ cd {quickstartRepo_dir}/app-profile-jee-vanilla/config ---- . Copy the `keycloak.json` file to the current directory. . Move one level up to the `app-profile-jee-vanilla` directory. . Install the code using the following command. + [source, subs="attributes"] ---- $ mvn clean wildfly:deploy ---- . Confirm that the application installation succeeded. Go to http://localhost:8080/vanilla where a login page is displayed. + .Login page confirming success image:images/vanilla.png[Login page confirming success] . Log in using the account that you created in the demo realm. + .Login page to demo realm image:images/demo-login.png[Login page to demo realm] + A message appears indicating you have completed a successful use of {project_name} to protect a sample {appserver_name} application. Congratulations! + .Complete success image:images/success.png[Complete success]