{ "clients": { "clientAuthorization": "Client authorization", "implicitFlow": "Implicit flow", "createClient": "Create client", "importClient": "Import client", "clientID": "Client ID", "type": "Type", "homeURL": "Home URL", "description": "Description", "name": "Name", "formatOption": "Format option", "downloadAdaptorTitle": "Download adaptor configs", "settings": "Settings", "credentials": "Credentials", "details": "Details", "clientList": "Client list", "clientSettings": "Client details", "selectEncryptionType": "Select Encryption type", "generalSettings": "General Settings", "capabilityConfig": "Capability config", "clientsExplain": "Clients are applications and services that can request authentication of a user", "createSuccess": "Client created successfully", "createError": "Could not create client: '{{error}}'", "clientImportError": "Could not import client", "clientSaveSuccess": "Client successfully updated", "clientSaveError": "Client could not be updated:", "clientImportSuccess": "Client imported successfully", "clientDeletedSuccess": "The client has been deleted", "clientDeleteError": "Could not delete client:", "clientDeleteConfirmTitle": "Delete client?", "disableConfirmTitle": "Disable client?", "downloadAdapterConfig": "Download adapter config", "disableConfirm": "If you disable this client, you cannot initiate a login or obtain access tokens.", "clientDeleteConfirm": "If you delete this client, all associated data will be removed.", "clientAuthentication": "Client authentication", "authentication": "Authentication", "authenticationFlow": "Authentication flow", "standardFlow": "Standard flow", "directAccess": "Direct access", "serviceAccount": "Service account", "enableServiceAccount": "Enable service account", "displayOnClient": "Display client on screen", "consentScreenText": "Client consent screen text", "loginSettings": "Login settings", "accessSettings": "Access settings", "rootUrl": "Root URL", "validRedirectUri": "Valid redirect URIs", "loginTheme": "Login theme", "consentRequired": "Consent required", "clientAuthenticator": "Client Authenticator", "clientSecret": "Client secret", "regenerate": "Regenerate", "confirmClientSecretTitle": "Regenerate secret for this client?", "confirmClientSecretBody": "If you regenerate secret, the Keycloak database will be updated and you will need to download a new adapter for this client.", "confirmAccessTokenTitle": "Regenerate registration access token?", "confirmAccessTokenBody": "If you regenerate registration access token, the access data regarding the client registration service will be updated.", "clientSecretSuccess": "Client secret regenerated", "clientSecretError": "Could not regenerate client secret due to: {{error}}", "registrationAccessToken": "Registration access token", "accessTokenSuccess": "Access token regenerated", "accessTokenError": "Could not regenerate access token due to: {{error}}", "signatureAlgorithm": "Signature algorithm", "subject": "Subject DN", "searchForClient": "Search for client" } }