=== Standalone Clustered Standalone clustered operation mode is for when you want to run {{book.project.name}} within a cluster. This mode requires that you have a copy of each distribution for each node you want to run in the cluster. While very easy to deploy initially, this mode can become cumbersome if you end up having a large cluster because you will have to modify the configuration in each node anytime you need to make a change. ==== Standalone Clustered Configuration The distribution has a pre-configured app server configuration file for running within a cluster. It has all the specific infrasture settings you need for the clustered caches and discovery that {{book.project.name}} needs. This file resides in _.../standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml_ .Standalone HA Config image:../../{{book.images}}/standalone-ha-config-file.png[] NOTE: Any changes you make to this file while the server is running will not take effect and may even be overwritten by the server. Instead use the the command line scripting or the web console of {{book.appserver.name}}. See the link:{{book.appserver.admindoc.link}}[{{book.appserver.admindoc.name}}] for more information. ==== Standalone Boot Script You use the same boot scripts to start {{book.project.name}} as you do in standalone mode. The difference is that you pass in an additional flag to point to the HA config file. .Standalone Clustered Boot Scripts image:../../{{book.images}}/standalone-boot-files.png[] To boot the server: .Linux/Unix [source] ---- $ .../bin/standalone.sh --server-config=standalone-ha.xml ---- .Windows [source] ---- > ...\bin\standalone.bat --server-config=standalone-ha.xml ---- ==== Standalone Clustered{{book.project.name}} Configuration The {{book.project.name}} specific json configure file resides in the same place as in standalone mode: _.../standalone/configuration/keycloak.json_. Like _standalone-ha.xml_ you have to modify this file in each distribution in your cluster in order for changes to take effect. NOTE: Any changes you make to this file while the server is running will not take effect. You'll need to reboot the server.