import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { cloneDeep, isEqual, uniqWith } from "lodash-es"; import { Controller, useForm, useWatch } from "react-hook-form"; import { ActionGroup, AlertVariant, Button, Divider, FormGroup, PageSection, Select, SelectGroup, SelectOption, SelectVariant, Switch, TextContent, ToolbarItem, } from "@patternfly/react-core"; import type RealmRepresentation from "@keycloak/keycloak-admin-client/lib/defs/realmRepresentation"; import { FormAccess } from "../components/form-access/FormAccess"; import { useServerInfo } from "../context/server-info/ServerInfoProvider"; import { FormPanel } from "../components/scroll-form/FormPanel"; import { useAdminClient, useFetch } from "../context/auth/AdminClient"; import { ListEmptyState } from "../components/list-empty-state/ListEmptyState"; import { AddMessageBundleModal } from "./AddMessageBundleModal"; import { useAlerts } from "../components/alert/Alerts"; import { HelpItem } from "../components/help-enabler/HelpItem"; import { useRealm } from "../context/realm-context/RealmContext"; import { DEFAULT_LOCALE } from "../i18n"; import { EditableTextCell, validateCellEdits, cancelCellEdits, applyCellEdits, RowErrors, RowEditType, IRowCell, TableBody, TableHeader, Table, TableVariant, IRow, IEditableTextCell, } from "@patternfly/react-table"; import type { EditableTextCellProps } from "@patternfly/react-table/dist/esm/components/Table/base"; import { PaginatingTableToolbar } from "../components/table-toolbar/PaginatingTableToolbar"; import { SearchIcon } from "@patternfly/react-icons"; import { useWhoAmI } from "../context/whoami/WhoAmI"; import type { KeyValueType } from "../components/key-value-form/key-value-convert"; import { convertToFormValues } from "../util"; type LocalizationTabProps = { save: (realm: RealmRepresentation) => void; refresh: () => void; realm: RealmRepresentation; }; export enum RowEditAction { Save = "save", Cancel = "cancel", Edit = "edit", } export type BundleForm = { messageBundle: KeyValueType; }; export const LocalizationTab = ({ save, realm }: LocalizationTabProps) => { const { t } = useTranslation("realm-settings"); const adminClient = useAdminClient(); const [addMessageBundleModalOpen, setAddMessageBundleModalOpen] = useState(false); const [supportedLocalesOpen, setSupportedLocalesOpen] = useState(false); const [defaultLocaleOpen, setDefaultLocaleOpen] = useState(false); const [filterDropdownOpen, setFilterDropdownOpen] = useState(false); const [selectMenuLocale, setSelectMenuLocale] = useState(DEFAULT_LOCALE); const { setValue, getValues, control, handleSubmit, formState } = useForm({ shouldUnregister: false, }); const [selectMenuValueSelected, setSelectMenuValueSelected] = useState(false); const [messageBundles, setMessageBundles] = useState<[string, string][]>([]); const [tableRows, setTableRows] = useState([]); const themeTypes = useServerInfo().themes!; const bundleForm = useForm({ mode: "onChange" }); const { addAlert, addError } = useAlerts(); const { realm: currentRealm } = useRealm(); const { whoAmI } = useWhoAmI(); const setupForm = () => { convertToFormValues(realm, setValue); if (realm.supportedLocales?.length === 0) { setValue("supportedLocales", [DEFAULT_LOCALE]); } }; useEffect(setupForm, []); const watchSupportedLocales = useWatch({ control, name: "supportedLocales", defaultValue: [DEFAULT_LOCALE], }); const internationalizationEnabled = useWatch({ control, name: "internationalizationEnabled", defaultValue: false, }); const [tableKey, setTableKey] = useState(0); const [max, setMax] = useState(10); const [first, setFirst] = useState(0); const [filter, setFilter] = useState(""); const refreshTable = () => { setTableKey(tableKey + 1); }; useFetch( async () => { let result = await adminClient.realms .getRealmLocalizationTexts({ first, max, realm: realm.realm!, selectedLocale: selectMenuLocale || getValues("defaultLocale") || whoAmI.getLocale(), }) // prevents server error in dev mode due to snowpack .catch(() => []); const searchInBundles = (idx: number) => { return Object.entries(result).filter((i) => i[idx].includes(filter)); }; if (filter) { const filtered = uniqWith( searchInBundles(0).concat(searchInBundles(1)), isEqual ); result = Object.fromEntries(filtered); } return { result }; }, ({ result }) => { const bundles = Object.entries(result).slice(first, first + max + 1); setMessageBundles(bundles); const updatedRows = => ({ rowEditBtnAriaLabel: () => t("rowEditBtnAriaLabel", { messageBundle: messageBundle[1], }), rowSaveBtnAriaLabel: () => t("rowSaveBtnAriaLabel", { messageBundle: messageBundle[1], }), rowCancelBtnAriaLabel: () => t("rowCancelBtnAriaLabel", { messageBundle: messageBundle[1], }), cells: [ { title: ( value: string, rowIndex: number, cellIndex: number, props ) => ( ), props: { value: messageBundle[0], }, }, { title: ( value: string, rowIndex: number, cellIndex: number, props: EditableTextCellProps ) => ( ), props: { value: messageBundle[1], }, }, ], })); setTableRows(updatedRows); return bundles; }, [tableKey, filter, first, max] ); const handleTextInputChange = ( newValue: string, evt: any, rowIndex: number, cellIndex: number ) => { setTableRows((prev) => { const newRows = cloneDeep(prev); ( newRows[rowIndex]?.cells?.[cellIndex] as IEditableTextCell ).props.editableValue = newValue; return newRows; }); }; const updateEditableRows = async ( type: RowEditType, rowIndex?: number, validationErrors?: RowErrors ) => { if (rowIndex === undefined) { return; } const newRows = cloneDeep(tableRows); let newRow: IRow; const invalid = !!validationErrors && Object.keys(validationErrors).length > 0; if (invalid) { newRow = validateCellEdits(newRows[rowIndex], type, validationErrors); } else if (type === RowEditAction.Cancel) { newRow = cancelCellEdits(newRows[rowIndex]); } else { newRow = applyCellEdits(newRows[rowIndex], type); } newRows[rowIndex] = newRow; // Update the copy of the retrieved data set so we can save it when the user saves changes if (!invalid && type === RowEditAction.Save) { const key = (newRow.cells?.[0] as IRowCell).props.value; const value = (newRow.cells?.[1] as IRowCell).props.value; // We only have one editable value, otherwise we'd need to save each try { await adminClient.realms.addLocalization( { realm: realm.realm!, selectedLocale: selectMenuLocale || getValues("defaultLocale") || DEFAULT_LOCALE, key, }, value ); addAlert(t("updateMessageBundleSuccess"), AlertVariant.success); } catch (error) { addAlert(t("updateMessageBundleError"), AlertVariant.danger); } } setTableRows(newRows); }; const handleModalToggle = () => { setAddMessageBundleModalOpen(!addMessageBundleModalOpen); }; const options = [ {t(`allSupportedLocales.${DEFAULT_LOCALE}`)} , , {watchSupportedLocales .filter((item) => item !== realm.defaultLocale) .map((locale) => ( {t(`allSupportedLocales.${locale}`)} ))} , ]; const addKeyValue = async (pair: KeyValueType): Promise => { try { await adminClient.realms.addLocalization( { realm: currentRealm!, selectedLocale: selectMenuLocale || getValues("defaultLocale") || DEFAULT_LOCALE, key: pair.key, }, pair.value ); adminClient.setConfig({ realmName: currentRealm!, }); refreshTable(); addAlert(t("addMessageBundleSuccess"), AlertVariant.success); } catch (error) { addError(t("addMessageBundleError"), error); } }; return ( <> {addMessageBundleModalOpen && ( { addKeyValue(pair); handleModalToggle(); }} form={bundleForm} /> )} } > ( )} /> {internationalizationEnabled && ( <> ( )} /> ( )} /> )} {t("messageBundleDescription")}
{ setFirst(first); setMax(max); }} inputGroupName={"common:search"} inputGroupOnEnter={(search) => { setFilter(search); setFirst(0); setMax(10); }} inputGroupPlaceholder={t("searchForMessageBundle")} toolbarItem={ } searchTypeComponent={ } > {messageBundles.length === 0 && !filter && ( )} {messageBundles.length === 0 && filter && ( )} {messageBundles.length !== 0 && ( updateEditableRows(type, rowIndex, validation) } >
); };