=== Create a New User In this section you are going to create a new user in the `demo` realm as well as a temporary password for that account. The first step is to click on the `Users` in the left menu bar. .Users image:../../{{book.images}}/users.png[] This menu option brings you to the user list page. On the right side of the empty user list, you should see an `Add User` button. Click that to start creating your new user. .Add User image:../../{{book.images}}/add-user.png[] The only required field is `Username`. Click save. This will bring you to the management page for your new user. The next step is to define a temporary password for your new user. Click on the `Credentials` tab to bring you to the page that will allo you to do this. .Set Temporary Password image:../../{{book.images}}/credentials.png[] Enter in a new password and retype it within the `Password Confirmation` field. Once you do this a red `Reset Password` button should reappear. Clicking on that will reset the user's password to the new one you specified. Please note that this is a temporary password and the user will be required to change it after they first log in. You can make it permanent by flipping the `Temporary` switch from `On` to `Off` before you click the `Reset Password` button.