/* * Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates * and other contributors as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.keycloak.models; import org.keycloak.provider.Provider; import java.util.List; /** * @author Bill Burke * @version $Revision: 1 $ */ public interface UserSessionProvider extends Provider { ClientSessionModel createClientSession(RealmModel realm, ClientModel client); ClientSessionModel getClientSession(RealmModel realm, String id); ClientSessionModel getClientSession(String id); UserSessionModel createUserSession(RealmModel realm, UserModel user, String loginUsername, String ipAddress, String authMethod, boolean rememberMe, String brokerSessionId, String brokerUserId); UserSessionModel getUserSession(RealmModel realm, String id); List getUserSessions(RealmModel realm, UserModel user); List getUserSessions(RealmModel realm, ClientModel client); List getUserSessions(RealmModel realm, ClientModel client, int firstResult, int maxResults); List getUserSessionByBrokerUserId(RealmModel realm, String brokerUserId); UserSessionModel getUserSessionByBrokerSessionId(RealmModel realm, String brokerSessionId); long getActiveUserSessions(RealmModel realm, ClientModel client); void removeUserSession(RealmModel realm, UserSessionModel session); void removeUserSessions(RealmModel realm, UserModel user); // Implementation should propagate removal of expired userSessions to userSessionPersister too void removeExpired(RealmModel realm); void removeUserSessions(RealmModel realm); void removeClientSession(RealmModel realm, ClientSessionModel clientSession); UserLoginFailureModel getUserLoginFailure(RealmModel realm, String userId); UserLoginFailureModel addUserLoginFailure(RealmModel realm, String userId); void removeUserLoginFailure(RealmModel realm, String userId); void removeAllUserLoginFailures(RealmModel realm); void onRealmRemoved(RealmModel realm); void onClientRemoved(RealmModel realm, ClientModel client); UserSessionModel createOfflineUserSession(UserSessionModel userSession); UserSessionModel getOfflineUserSession(RealmModel realm, String userSessionId); // Removes the attached clientSessions as well void removeOfflineUserSession(RealmModel realm, UserSessionModel userSession); ClientSessionModel createOfflineClientSession(ClientSessionModel clientSession); ClientSessionModel getOfflineClientSession(RealmModel realm, String clientSessionId); List getOfflineClientSessions(RealmModel realm, UserModel user); // Don't remove userSession even if it's last userSession void removeOfflineClientSession(RealmModel realm, String clientSessionId); long getOfflineSessionsCount(RealmModel realm, ClientModel client); List getOfflineUserSessions(RealmModel realm, ClientModel client, int first, int max); // Triggered by persister during pre-load UserSessionModel importUserSession(UserSessionModel persistentUserSession, boolean offline); ClientSessionModel importClientSession(ClientSessionModel persistentClientSession, boolean offline); ClientInitialAccessModel createClientInitialAccessModel(RealmModel realm, int expiration, int count); ClientInitialAccessModel getClientInitialAccessModel(RealmModel realm, String id); void removeClientInitialAccessModel(RealmModel realm, String id); List listClientInitialAccess(RealmModel realm); void close(); }