=== SAML v2.0 Identity Providers Keycloak can broker identity providers based on the SAML v2.0 protocol. In order to configure a SAML identity provider, follow these steps: . Select the `SAML v2.0` identity provider from the drop-down box on the top right corner of the identity providers table in Keycloak's Admin Console. You should be presented with a specific page to configure the selected provider. When configuring a SAML identity provider you are presented with different configuration options in order to properly communicate and integrate with the external identity provider. In this case, you must keep in mind that Keycloak will act as an Service Provider that issues authentication requests(AuthnRequest) to the external identity provider. .Configuration Options [cols="1,1", options="header"] |=== | Configuration | Description | Import IdP SAML Metadata | Single Sign-On Service Url | Single Logout Service Url | Backchannel Logout | NameID Policy Format | Validating X509 Certificate | Want AuthnRequests Signed | Force Authentication | Validate Signature | HTTP-POST Binding Response | HTTP-POST Binding for AuthnReques |=== You can also import all this configuration data by providing a URL or XML file that points to the entity descriptor of the external SAML IDP you want to connect to. Once you create a SAML provider, there is an `EXPORT` button that appears when viewing that provider. Clicking this button will export a SAML entity descriptor which you can use to ==== SP Descriptor The SAML SP Descriptor XML file for the broker is available publically by going to this URL [source] ---- http[s]://{host:port}/auth/realms/{realm-name}/broker/{broker-alias}/endpoint/descriptor ---- This URL is useful if you need to import this information into an IDP that needs or is more user friendly to load from a remote URL.