import { expect, test } from "@playwright/test"; import { createIdentityProvider, deleteIdentityProvider, createClient, deleteClient, inRealm, findClientByClientId, createRandomUserWithPassword, deleteUser, } from "../admin-client"; import groupsIdPClient from "../realms/groups-idp.json" assert { type: "json" }; import ClientRepresentation from "@keycloak/keycloak-admin-client/lib/defs/clientRepresentation"; import IdentityProviderRepresentation from "@keycloak/keycloak-admin-client/lib/defs/identityProviderRepresentation"; import { randomUUID } from "crypto"; const realm = "groups"; test.describe("Account linking", () => { let groupIdPClientId: string; let user: string; // Tests for keycloak account console, section Account linking in Account security test.beforeAll(async () => { user = await createRandomUserWithPassword("user-" + randomUUID(), "pwd"); const kcGroupsIdpId = await findClientByClientId("groups-idp"); if (kcGroupsIdpId) { await deleteClient(kcGroupsIdpId); } groupIdPClientId = await createClient( groupsIdPClient as ClientRepresentation, ); const kc = process.env.KEYCLOAK_SERVER || "http://localhost:8080"; const idp: IdentityProviderRepresentation = { alias: "master-idp", providerId: "oidc", enabled: true, config: { clientId: "groups-idp", clientSecret: "H0JaTc7VBu3HJR26vrzMxgidfJmgI5Dw", validateSignature: "false", tokenUrl: `${kc}/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token`, jwksUrl: `${kc}/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/certs`, issuer: `${kc}/realms/master`, authorizationUrl: `${kc}/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/auth`, logoutUrl: `${kc}/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/logout`, userInfoUrl: `${kc}/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo`, }, }; await inRealm(realm, () => createIdentityProvider(idp)); }); test.afterAll(async () => { await deleteUser(user); }); test.afterAll(async () => { await deleteClient(groupIdPClientId); }); test.afterAll(async () => { await inRealm(realm, () => deleteIdentityProvider("master-idp")); }); test("Linking", async ({ page }) => { // If refactoring this, consider introduction of helper functions for individual pages - login, update profile etc. await page.goto( process.env.CI ? `/realms/${realm}/account` : `/?realm=${realm}`, ); // Click the login via master-idp provider button await loginWithIdp(page, "master-idp"); // Now the login at the master-idp should be visible await loginWithUsernamePassword(page, "admin", "admin"); // Now the update-profile page should be visible await updateProfile(page, "test", "user", ""); // Now the account console should be visible await page.getByTestId("accountSecurity").click(); await expect( page.getByTestId("account-security/linked-accounts"), ).toBeVisible(); await page.getByTestId("account-security/linked-accounts").click(); await expect( page .getByTestId("linked-accounts/master-idp") .getByRole("button", { name: "Unlink account" }), ).toBeVisible(); await page .getByTestId("linked-accounts/master-idp") .getByRole("button", { name: "Unlink account" }) .click(); // Expect an error shown that the account cannot be unlinked await expect(page.getByLabel("Danger Alert")).toBeVisible(); }); }); async function updateProfile(page, firstName, lastName, email) { await expect( page.getByRole("heading", { name: "Update Account Information" }), ).toBeVisible(); await page.getByLabel("Email", { exact: true }).fill(email); await page.getByLabel("First name", { exact: true }).fill(firstName); await page.getByLabel("Last name", { exact: true }).fill(lastName); await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Submit" }).click(); } async function loginWithUsernamePassword(page, username, password) { await page.getByLabel("Username").fill(username); await page.getByLabel("Password", { exact: true }).fill(password); await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Sign In" }).click(); } async function loginWithIdp(page, idpAlias: string) { await page.getByRole("link", { name: idpAlias }).click(); }