import { TabProps, Tabs, TabsComponent, TabsProps, } from "@patternfly/react-core"; import type { History, LocationDescriptorObject } from "history"; import React, { Children, isValidElement, JSXElementConstructor, ReactElement, } from "react"; import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom"; // TODO: Remove the custom 'children' props and type once the following issue has been resolved: // type ChildElement = ReactElement>; type Child = ChildElement | boolean | null | undefined; // TODO: Figure out why we need to omit 'ref' from the props. type RoutableTabsProps = { children: Child | Child[]; defaultLocation?: LocationDescriptorObject; } & Omit< TabsProps, "ref" | "activeKey" | "defaultActiveKey" | "component" | "children" >; export const RoutableTabs = ({ children, defaultLocation, ...otherProps }: RoutableTabsProps) => { const { pathname } = useLocation(); // Extract event keys from children. const eventKeys = Children.toArray(children) .filter((child): child is ChildElement => isValidElement(child)) .map((child) => child.props.eventKey.toString()); // Determine if there is an exact match. const exactMatch = eventKeys.find((eventKey) => eventKey === pathname); // Determine which event keys at least partially match the current path, then sort them so the nearest match ends up on top. const nearestMatch = eventKeys .filter((eventKey) => pathname.includes(eventKey)) .sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length) .pop(); return ( {children} ); }; type RoutableTabParams = { to: LocationDescriptorObject; history: History; }; export const routableTab = ({ to, history }: RoutableTabParams) => ({ eventKey: to.pathname ?? "", href: history.createHref(to), });