ifeval::[{tech_feature_disabled}!=false] [NOTE] ==== {tech_feature_name} is *Technology Preview* and is not fully supported. This feature is disabled by default. ifeval::["{kc_dist}" == "quarkus"] To enable start the server with `--features=preview` ifdef::tech_feature_setting[] or `--features={tech_feature_id}` endif::[] endif::[] ifeval::["{kc_dist}" == "wildfly"] To enable start the server with `-Dkeycloak.profile=preview` ifdef::tech_feature_setting[] or `{tech_feature_setting}` endif::[] . For more details see link:{installguide_profile_link}[{installguide_profile_name}]. endif::[] ==== endif::[] ifeval::[{tech_feature_disabled}==false] [NOTE] ==== {tech_feature_name} is *Technology Preview* and is not fully supported. ==== endif::[]