[id='setting-up-infinispan-{context}'] = Setting Up {jdgserver_name} Servers For Cross-Datacenter replication, you start by creating remote {jdgserver_name} clusters that can back up {project_name} data. .Prerequisites * Download and install {jdgserver_name} Server {jdgserver_version_latest}. [NOTE] ==== {jdgserver_name} Server {jdgserver_version_latest} requires Java 11. ==== .Procedure . Create a user to authenticate client connections from {jdgserver_name}, for example: + [source,bash,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- $ bin/cli.sh user create myuser -p "qwer1234!" ---- + Note: You specify these credentials in the Hot Rod client configuration when you create remote caches on {project_name}. . Create an SSL keystore and truststore to secure connections between {jdgserver_name} and {project_name}, for example: .. Create a keystore to provide an SSL identity to your {jdgserver_name} cluster + [source,bash,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- keytool -genkey -alias server -keyalg RSA -keystore server.jks -keysize 2048 ---- + .. Export an SSL certificate from the keystore. + [source,bash,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- keytool -exportcert -keystore server.jks -alias server -file server.crt ---- + .. Import the SSL certificate into a truststore that {jdgserver_name} can use to verify the SSL identity for {jdgserver_name}. + [source,bash,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- keytool -importcert -keystore truststore.jks -alias server -file server.crt rm server.crt ----