=== Install the Client Adapter Download the JBoss EAP 7 or Wildfly 10 distribution you are going to use to run your example application and unzip it into a directory of your choosing on your machine. Next download the {{book.clientadapter}} distribution. Unzip this file into the root directory of your JBoss EAP or Wildfly 10 distribution. Next perform the following actions .Linux/Unix [source] ---- $ cd bin $ ./jboss-cli.sh --file=adapter-install-offline.cli ---- .Windows [source] ---- > cd bin > jboss-cli.bat --file=adapter-install-offline.cli ---- This script will make the appropriate edits to the _.../standalone/configuration/standalone.xml_ file of your app server distribution. Finally, just boot the application server. .Linux/Unix [source] ---- $ .../bin/standalone.sh ---- .Windows [source] ---- > ...\bin\standalone.bat ----