# Keycloak Integration Testsuite with Arquillian *OUT OF DATE - NEEDS REWRITE* ## Usage Running the tests: `mvn test` or `mvn clean test` ## Test suite ### Selecting container for Keycloak Server The testsuite requires a container for Keycloak Server to be selected. This container is used by all tests in the suite during a single test execution. *By default* the tests run with server on embedded *Undertow*. A different container can be selected with profile, e.g. `-Pauth-server-wildfly`. ### Containers Supported for Keycloak Server | Container | Arquillian Qualifier | Maven | Dependencies | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **Undertow** | `auth-server-undertow` | **default** | `undertow-core`, `resteasy-undertow` | | **Wildfly 9** | `auth-server-wildfly` | `-Pauth-server-wildfly` | `keycloak-server-dist` or `wildfly-dist`+`keycloak-server-overlay` | | **EAP 6.4** | `auth-server-eap6` | `-Pauth-server-eap6` | `keycloak-server-dist` or `eap6-dist`+`keycloak-server-overlay` | See the relevant container definitions in `arquillian.xml` located in the **test resources** folder. ### Test Class Hierarchy ``` AbstractKeycloakTest ├── AbstractAdminConsoleTest └── AbstractAdapterTest ``` ### AbstractKeycloakTest Handles test realms. Provides Admin Client for REST operations. * **@BeforeClass** 1. Updates the admin password to enable the admin user. * **@Before** 1. Initiates admin client 2. Imports test realms. (Loading test realms is overriden in subclasses.) * **@After** 1. Removes test realms. 2. Closes admin client. ### ContainersTestEnricher Manages *container lifecycles*. `ContainersTestEnricher` is a custom Arquillian observer that handles lifecycles of auth server and app server containers for each test class. Containers are started during `@BeforeClass` and shut down during `@AfterClass` event. *Optionally* each test class can be annotated with `@AuthServerContainer("qualifier")` and `@AppServerConatiner("qualifier")` annotations to indicate containers required for the test. * In case `@AuthServerContainer` is not present the *auth server qualifier* is loaded from `auth.server.container` property. * In case `@AppServerContainer` is not present or it's value is the same as *auth server qualifier*, the app server isn't started for the test class. ## Admin Console Tests Tests for admin console are located in `org/keycloak/testsuite/console`. Related non-test classes are located on the same path in the **main sources**. Admin console tests are **ENABLED by default**. They can be disabled by `-P no-console`. ## Adapter Tests Adapter tests are located in `org/keycloak/testsuite/adapter`. Related non-test classes can be found on the same path in the **main sources**. Adapter tests are **DISABLED by default**. They can be enabled by profiles. Multiple profiles can be enabled for a single test execution. *Note:* When testing adapter with multiple containers in a single run it is better to use the `--fail-at-end` (`-fae`) strategy instead of the default `--fail-fast` one. This will allow Maven to continue building other modules even if some of them have test failures. ### Containers Supported for Adapter Tests | Container | Arquillian Qualifier | Maven | Dependencies | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **Wildfly 9** Relative | `auth-server-wildfly` | `-Pauth-server-wildfly` | `keycloak-server-dist` or `wildfly-dist`+`keycloak-server-overlay`, `keycloak-adapter-dist-wf9` | | **Wildfly 9** | `app-server-wildfly` | `-Papp-server-wildfly` | `wildfly-dist`, `keycloak-adapter-dist-wf9` | | **Wildfly 8** | `app-server-wildfly` | `-Papp-server-wildfly8` | `wildfly-dist:8.2.1.Final`, `keycloak-adapter-dist-wf8` | | **JBoss AS 7** | `app-server-as7` | `-Papp-server-as7` | `jboss-as-dist`, `keycloak-adapter-dist-as7` | | **Tomcat 8** | `app-server-tomcat` | `-Papp-server-tomcat` | `tomcat`, `keycloak-tomcat8-adapter-dist` | | **Karaf 3** | `app-server-karaf` | `-Papp-server-karaf` | `apache-camel`, `apache-cxf`, `keycloak-osgi-features`, `keycloak-fuse-example-features` | See the relevant container definitions in `tests/adapter//src/main/xslt/arquillian.xsl`. ***Important:*** Arquillian cannot load multiple controllers for JBossAS/Wildfly containers in a single run (because same class name) but a different controller is required for JBossAS7/EAP6 than for WF8/9. Because of this: - Adapter tests for *Wildfly 8/9* cannot be run against server on *EAP 6*. `-Papp-server-wildfly*` ⇒ `!auth-server-eap6` - Adapter tests for *JBossAS 7* can only be run against server on *EAP 6*. `-Papp-server-as7,auth-server-eap6` ### Adapter Test Types 1. Using **test servlets**. 2. Using **example/demo wars**. ``` AbstractKeycloakTest └── AbstractAdapterTest ├── AbstractServletsAdapterTest | ├── Relative… | ├── Wildfly… | ├── Tomcat… | … └── AbstractExampleAdapterTest ├── AbstractDemoExampleAdapterTest | ├── Relative… | ├── Wildfly… | ├── Tomcat… | … ├── AbstractBasicAuthExampleAdapterTest | ├── Relative… | ├── Wildfly… | ├── Tomcat… | … … ``` ### Relative vs Non-relative scenario The test suite can handle both types. It automatically modifies imported test realms and deployments' adapter configs based on scenario type. | Scenario | Description | Realm config (server side) | Adapter config (client side) | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **Relative** | Both Keycloak Server and test apps running in the same container. | client `baseUrl`, `adminUrl` and `redirect-uris` can be relative | `auth-server-url` can be relative | | **Non-relative** | Test apps run in a different container than Keycloak Server. | client `baseUrl`, `adminUrl` and `redirect-uris` need to include FQDN of the app server | `auth-server-url` needs to include FQDN of the auth server| ### Adapter Libraries Mode 1. **Provided.** By container, e.g. as a subsystem. *Default.* 2. **Bundled.** In the deployed war in `/WEB-INF/libs`. Enable with `-Dadapter.libs.bundled`. *Wildfly only*. ### Adapter Config Mode 1. ~~**Provided.** In `standalone.xml` using `secure-deployment`. *Wildfly only.*~~ WIP 2. **Bundled.** In the deployed war in `/WEB-INF/keycloak.json`. *Default.* ### Adapters Test Coverage | Module | Coverage | Supported Containers | | --- | --- | --- | | ***Test Servlets*** | Good | All | | **Demo** | Minimal, WIP | `auth-server-wildfly` (relative) | | **Admin Client** | | | **Cordova** | | | **CORS** | | | **JS Console** | Good | `auth-server-wildfly` (relative) | | **Providers** | | | Themes | | | Multitenancy | WIP | | | **Basic Auth** | Good | All | | **Fuse** | Good | `app-server-karaf` | | SAML | | | LDAP | | | Kerberos | | ## Supported Browsers | Browser | Maven | | --- | --- | | **PhantomJS** | `-Dbrowser=phantomjs` **default** | | **Firefox** | `-Dbrowser=firefox` | ## Custom Arquillian Extensions Custom extensions are registered in `META-INF/services/org.jboss.arquillian.core.spi.LoadableExtension`. * Multiple containers extension * Replaces Arquillian's default container handling. * Allows to manage multiple container instances of different types within a single test run. * Allows to skip loading disabled containers based on `enabled` config property in `arquillian.xml`. * Custom extension * `ContainersTestEnricher` - Handles lifecycles of auth-server and app-server. * `CustomUndertowContainer` - A custom container controller for JAX-RS-enabled Undertow with Keycloak Server. * `DeploymentArchiveProcessor` - Modifies adapter config before deployment on app server based on relative/non-relative scenario. * `URLProvider` - Fixes URLs injected by Arquillian which contain instead of localhost. * `JiraTestExecutionDecider` - Skipping tests for unresolved JIRAs.