. Connect into {jdgserver_name} Cluster using the {jdgserver_name} CLI tool: + .Command: [source,bash,subs="+attributes"] ---- kubectl -n {ns} exec -it pods/{cluster-name}-0 -- ./bin/cli.sh --trustall --connect ---- + It asks for the username and password for the {jdgserver_name} cluster. Those credentials are the one set in the <@links.ha id="deploy-infinispan-kubernetes-crossdc"/> {section} in the configuring credentials section. + .Output: [source,bash,subs="+attributes"] ---- Username: developer Password: [{cluster-name}-0-29897@ISPN//containers/default]> ---- + NOTE: The pod name depends on the cluster name defined in the {jdgserver_name} CR. The connection can be done with any pod in the {jdgserver_name} cluster.