#!/bin/bash -e TARGET_REMOTE=upstream KEYCLOAK_REPO=https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak WORK_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) PR=$1 TARGET=$2 function echo_header() { echo "" echo "=======================================================================" echo "$1" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" } function error() { echo "=======================================================================" echo "Error" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "$1" echo "" exit 1 } if ! [ -x "$(command -v gh)" ]; then error "The GitHub CLI is not installed. See: https://github.com/cli/cli#installation" fi gh auth status if ! [ -x "$(command -v jq)" ]; then error "The jq CLI is not installed. See: https://jqlang.github.io/jq/download/" fi if [ "$PR" == "" ] || [ "$TARGET" == "" ]; then error "Usage: gh-backport-pr.sh " fi TARGET_BRANCH=release/$TARGET echo_header "Fetching '$TARGET_REMOTE' remote." git fetch $TARGET_REMOTE PR_STATE=$(gh pr view $PR --json state 2>/dev/null | jq -r .state) if [ "$PR_STATE" == "" ]; then error "PR #$PR not found. Make sure the PR exists, and that it's been merged, and your gh repo is set to keycloak/keycloak" elif [ "$PR_STATE" != "MERGED" ]; then error "PR #$PR not merged yet. Only merged PRs can be backported." fi MERGE_COMMIT=$(gh pr view $PR --json mergeCommit | jq -r .mergeCommit.oid) if [ "$MERGE_COMMIT" == "" ]; then error "Could not resolve merge commit for PR #$PR" fi PR_BRANCH=backport-$PR-$TARGET PR_BODY=$(gh pr view $PR --json body | jq -r .body) echo_header "Details" echo "PR Body: $PR_BODY" echo "" echo "PR: $KEYCLOAK_REPO/pull/$PR" echo "Commit: $KEYCLOAK_REPO/commit/$MERGE_COMMIT" echo "" echo "PR branch: $PR_BRANCH" echo "Target branch: $KEYCLOAK_REPO/tree/$TARGET_BRANCH" echo "" echo -n "Continue (y/n): " read PROMPT if [ "$PROMPT" != "y" ]; then exit 1 fi echo_header "Checkout '$TARGET_REMOTE/$TARGET_BRANCH' to '$PR_BRANCH'" git checkout $TARGET_REMOTE/$TARGET_BRANCH -B $PR_BRANCH echo_header "Cherry-pick $MERGE_COMMIT" git cherry-pick -x $MERGE_COMMIT echo_header "Push '$PR_BRANCH' to 'origin' remote" git push origin $PR_BRANCH:$PR_BRANCH --set-upstream echo_header "Opening web browser to create pull request" gh pr create -B $TARGET_BRANCH -f -w echo_header "Checkout to $WORK_BRANCH branch" git checkout $WORK_BRANCH