[[_mongo]] == Mongo DB Setup You are not stuck with using a RDBMS for persisting data. {{book.project.name}} provides a http://www.mongodb.com[MongoDB] based model implementation. To configure {{book.project.name}} to use Mongo, you need to edit the _keycloak-server.json_ file. If you are running in standalone mode, this file is in the _.../standalone/configuration_ directory. If you are running in domain mode this file will live in the _.../domain/servers/{server name}/configuration_ directory. Open the _keycloak-server.json_ file. Look for the following JSON snippet This is the area you will be modifying to use Mongo. [source,json] ---- "eventsStore": { "provider": "jpa", "jpa": { "exclude-events": [ "REFRESH_TOKEN" ] } }, "realm": { "provider": "jpa" }, "user": { "provider": "${keycloak.user.provider:jpa}" }, ---- Change that JSON snippet to use Mongo: [source,json] ---- "eventsStore": { "provider": "mongo", "mongo": { "exclude-events": [ "REFRESH_TOKEN" ] } }, "realm": { "provider": "mongo" }, "user": { "provider": "mongo" }, ---- And at the end of the file add the snippet like this where you can configure details about your Mongo database: [source,json] ---- "connectionsMongo": { "default": { "host": "", "port": "27017", "db": "keycloak", "connectionsPerHost": 100, "databaseSchema": "update" } } ---- All configuration options are optional. Default values for host and port are localhost and 27017. Default name of database is `keycloak` . You can also specify properties `user` and `password` if you want authenticate against your MongoDB. If user and password are not specified, {{book.project.name}} will connect unauthenticated to your MongoDB. Finally there is set of optional configuration options, which can be used to specify connection-pooling capabilities of Mongo client. Supported int options are: `connectionsPerHost`, `threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier`, `maxWaitTime`, `connectTimeout` `socketTimeout`. Supported boolean options are: `socketKeepAlive`, `autoConnectRetry`. Supported long option is `maxAutoConnectRetryTime`. See http://api.mongodb.org/java/2.11.4/com/mongodb/MongoClientOptions.html[Mongo documentation] for details about those options and their default values. Alternatively, you can configure MongoDB using a MongoDB http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/connection-string/[connection URI]. In this case, you define all information concerning the connection and authentication within the URI, as described in the MongoDB documentation. Please note that the database specified within the URI is only used for authentication. To change the database used by {{book.project.name}} you have to set `db` property as before. Therefore, a configuration like the following [source] ---- "connectionsMongo": { "default": { "uri": "mongodb://user:password@", "db": "keycloak" } } ---- will authenticate the user against the authentication database, but store all {{book.project.name}} related data in the keycloak database. === MongoDB Replica Sets In order to use a mongo replica set for {{book.project.name}}, one has to use URI based configuration, which supports the definition of replica sets out of the box: `mongodb://host1:27017,host2:27017,host3:27017/`.