#!/usr/bin/env node import KcAdminClient from "@keycloak/keycloak-admin-client"; import { Octokit } from "@octokit/rest"; import gunzip from "gunzip-maybe"; import { spawn } from "node:child_process"; import fs from "node:fs"; import { readFile } from "node:fs/promises"; import path from "node:path"; import { pipeline } from "node:stream/promises"; import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"; import { extract } from "tar-fs"; import { parseArgs } from "node:util"; const DIR_NAME = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); const SERVER_DIR = path.resolve(DIR_NAME, "../server"); const LOCAL_QUARKUS = path.resolve(DIR_NAME, "../../../../quarkus/dist/target"); const LOCAL_DIST_NAME = "keycloak-999.0.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz"; const SCRIPT_EXTENSION = process.platform === "win32" ? ".bat" : ".sh"; const ADMIN_USERNAME = "admin"; const ADMIN_PASSWORD = "admin"; const AUTH_DELAY = 10000; const AUTH_RETRY_LIMIT = 3; const options = { local: { type: "boolean", }, }; await startServer(); async function startServer() { let { scriptArgs, keycloakArgs } = handleArgs(process.argv.slice(2)); await downloadServer(scriptArgs.local); console.info("Starting server…"); const child = spawn( path.join(SERVER_DIR, `bin/kc${SCRIPT_EXTENSION}`), [ "start-dev", "--http-port=8180", `--features="account3,admin-fine-grained-authz,transient-users"`, ...keycloakArgs, ], { shell: true, env: { KEYCLOAK_ADMIN: ADMIN_USERNAME, KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD: ADMIN_PASSWORD, ...process.env, }, }, ); child.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); child.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); await wait(AUTH_DELAY); await importClient(); } function handleArgs(args) { const { values, tokens } = parseArgs({ args, options, strict: false, tokens: true, }); // we need to remove the args that belong to the script so that we can pass the rest through to keycloak tokens .filter((token) => Object.hasOwn(options, token.name)) .forEach((token) => { let tokenRaw = token.rawName; if (token.value) { tokenRaw += `=${token.value}`; } args.splice(args.indexOf(tokenRaw), 1); }); return { scriptArgs: values, keycloakArgs: args }; } async function downloadServer(local) { const directoryExists = fs.existsSync(SERVER_DIR); if (directoryExists) { console.info("Server installation found, skipping download."); return; } let assetStream; if (local) { console.info(`Looking for ${LOCAL_DIST_NAME} at ${LOCAL_QUARKUS}`); assetStream = fs.createReadStream( path.join(LOCAL_QUARKUS, LOCAL_DIST_NAME), ); } else { console.info("Downloading and extracting server…"); const nightlyAsset = await getNightlyAsset(); assetStream = await getAssetAsStream(nightlyAsset); } await extractTarball(assetStream, SERVER_DIR, { strip: 1 }); } async function importClient() { const adminClient = new KcAdminClient({ baseUrl: "", realmName: "master", }); await authenticateAdminClient(adminClient); console.info("Checking if client already exists…"); const adminConsoleClient = await adminClient.clients.find({ clientId: "security-admin-console-v2", }); if (adminConsoleClient.length > 0) { console.info("Client already exists, skipping import."); return; } console.info("Importing client…"); const configPath = path.join(DIR_NAME, "security-admin-console-v2.json"); const config = JSON.parse(await readFile(configPath, "utf-8")); await adminClient.clients.create(config); console.info("Client imported successfully."); } async function getNightlyAsset() { const api = new Octokit(); const release = await api.repos.getReleaseByTag({ owner: "keycloak", repo: "keycloak", tag: "nightly", }); return release.data.assets.find( ({ name }) => name === "keycloak-999.0.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz", ); } async function getAssetAsStream(asset) { const response = await fetch(asset.browser_download_url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("Something went wrong requesting the nightly release."); } return response.body; } function extractTarball(stream, path, options) { return pipeline(stream, gunzip(), extract(path, options)); } async function authenticateAdminClient( adminClient, numRetries = AUTH_RETRY_LIMIT, ) { console.log("Authenticating admin client…"); try { await adminClient.auth({ username: ADMIN_USERNAME, password: ADMIN_PASSWORD, grantType: "password", clientId: "admin-cli", }); } catch (error) { if (numRetries === 0) { throw error; } console.info( `Authentication failed, retrying in ${AUTH_DELAY / 1000} seconds.`, ); await wait(AUTH_DELAY); await authenticateAdminClient(adminClient, numRetries - 1); } console.log("Admin client authenticated successfully."); } async function wait(delay) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), delay)); }