=== Getting Started The link:{quickstartRepo_link}[{quickstartRepo_name}] provides examples about how to secure applications and services using different programming languages and frameworks. By going through their documentation and codebase, you will understand the bare minimum changes required in your application and service in order to secure it with {project_name}. Also, see the following sections for recommendations for trusted and well-known client-side implementations for both OpenID Connect and SAML protocols. ==== OpenID Connect ifeval::[{project_community}==true] ===== Java * {quickstartRepo_link}/tree/latest/jakarta/servlet-authz-client[Wildfly Elytron OIDC] * {quickstartRepo_link}/tree/latest/spring/rest-authz-resource-server[Spring Boot] endif::[] ===== JavaScript (client-side) * JavaScript ===== Node.js (server-side) * Node.js ifeval::[{project_community}==true] ===== C# * https://github.com/dylanplecki/KeycloakOwinAuthentication[OWIN] ===== Python * https://pypi.org/project/oic/[oidc] ===== Android * https://github.com/openid/AppAuth-Android[AppAuth] ===== iOS * https://github.com/openid/AppAuth-iOS[AppAuth] ===== Apache HTTP Server * https://github.com/OpenIDC/mod_auth_openidc[mod_auth_openidc] endif::[]