[id='configuring-infinispan-{context}'] = Configuring {jdgserver_name} Clusters Configure {jdgserver_name} clusters to replicate {project_name} data across data centers. .Prerequisites * Install and set up {jdgserver_name} Server. .Procedure . Open `infinispan.xml` for editing. + By default, {jdgserver_name} Server uses `server/conf/infinispan.xml` for static configuration such as cluster transport and security mechanisms. . Create a stack that uses TCPPING as the cluster discovery protocol. + [source,xml,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- stack.combine="REPLACE" stack.position="MPING"/> ---- <1> Lists the host names for `server1` and `server2`. + . Configure the {jdgserver_name} cluster transport to perform Cross-Datacenter replication. .. Add the RELAY2 protocol to a JGroups stack. + [source,xml,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- <1> max_site_masters="1000"/> <3> <4> ---- <1> Creates a stack named `xsite` that extends the default UDP cluster transport. <2> Adds the RELAY2 protocol and names the cluster you are configuring as `site1`. The site name must be unique to each {jdgserver_name} cluster. <3> Sets 1000 as the number of relay nodes for the cluster. You should set a value that is equal to or greater than the maximum number of nodes in your {jdgserver_name} cluster. <4> Names all {jdgserver_name} clusters that backup caches with {jdgserver_name} data and uses the default TCP stack for inter-cluster transport. + .. Configure the {jdgserver_name} cluster transport to use the stack. + [source,xml,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- <1> ---- <1> Uses the `xsite` stack for the cluster. + . Configure the keystore as an SSL identity in the server security realm. + [source,xml,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- relative-to="infinispan.server.config.path" keystore-password="password" <2> alias="server" /> <3> ---- <1> Specifies the path of the keystore that contains the SSL identity. <2> Specifies the password to access the keystore. <3> Names the alias of the certificate in the keystore. + . Configure the authentication mechanism for the Hot Rod endpoint. + [source,xml,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- server-name="infinispan" /> <2> ---- <1> Configures the SASL authentication mechanism for the Hot Rod endpoint. SCRAM-SHA-512 is the default SASL mechanism for Hot Rod. However you can use whatever is appropriate for your environment, such as GSSAPI. <2> Defines the name that {jdgserver_name} servers present to clients. You specify this name in the Hot Rod client configuration when you set up {project_name}. + . Create a cache template. + NOTE: Add the cache template to `infinispan.xml` on each node in the {jdgserver_name} cluster. + [source,xml,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- mode="SYNC"> <2> <3> <4> ---- <1> Creates a cache template named `sessions-cfg`. <2> Defines a cache that synchronously replicates data across the cluster. <3> Disables timeout for lock acquisition. <4> Names the backup site for the {jdgserver_name} cluster you are configuring. + . Start {jdgserver_name} server1. + [source,bash,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- ./server.sh -c infinispan.xml -b PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS -k PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS -Djgroups.mcast_addr= ---- + . Start {jdgserver_name} server2. + [source,bash,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- ./server.sh -c infinispan.xml -b PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS -k PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS -Djgroups.mcast_addr= ---- + . Check {jdgserver_name} server logs to verify the clusters form cross-site views. + [source,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- INFO [org.infinispan.XSITE] (jgroups-5,${server.hostname}) ISPN000439: Received new x-site view: [site1] INFO [org.infinispan.XSITE] (jgroups-7,${server.hostname}) ISPN000439: Received new x-site view: [site1, site2] ---- ifeval::[{project_product}==true] [role="_additional-resources"] .Additional resources link:https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_data_grid/8.1/html-single/data_grid_server_guide/index#start_server[Getting Started with Data Grid Server] + link:https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_data_grid/8.1/html-single/data_grid_guide_to_cross-site_replication/index#configure_relay-xsite[Configuring Data Grid Clusters for Cross-Site Replication] + link:https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_data_grid/8.1/html-single/data_grid_server_guide/index#ssl_identity-server[Setting Up SSL Identities for Data Grid Server] + link:https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_data_grid/8.1/html-single/data_grid_server_guide/index#configuring_endpoints[Configuring Data Grid Endpoints] + link:https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_data_grid/8.1/html-single/data_grid_server_guide/index#configure_hotrod_authentication-server[Configuring Hot Rod Authentication Mechanisms] endif::[]