import ListingPage from "../support/pages/admin_console/ListingPage"; import LoginPage from "../support/pages/LoginPage"; import SidebarPage from "../support/pages/admin_console/SidebarPage"; import Masthead from "../support/pages/admin_console/Masthead"; import { keycloakBefore } from "../support/util/keycloak_before"; const loginPage = new LoginPage(); const masthead = new Masthead(); const logOutTest = () => { it("logs out", () => { masthead.signOut(); loginPage.isLogInPage(); }); }; const goToAcctMgtTest = () => { it("opens manage account and returns to admin console", () => { masthead.accountManagement(); cy.contains("Welcome to Keycloak Account Management"); cy.get("#landingReferrerLink").click({ force: true }); masthead.isAdminConsole(); }); }; describe("Masthead tests in desktop mode", () => { beforeEach(() => { keycloakBefore(); loginPage.logIn(); }); goToAcctMgtTest(); it("disables header help and form field help", () => { const sidebarPage = new SidebarPage(); const listingPage = new ListingPage(); sidebarPage.goToClientScopes(); listingPage.goToItemDetails("address"); cy.get("#view-header-subkey").should("exist"); cy.get(`#${CSS.escape("client-scopes-help:name")}`).should("exist"); masthead.toggleGlobalHelp(); cy.get("#view-header-subkey").should("not.exist"); cy.get(`#${CSS.escape("client-scopes-help:name")}`).should("not.exist"); }); logOutTest(); }); describe("Masthead tests with kebab menu", () => { beforeEach(() => { keycloakBefore(); loginPage.logIn(); masthead.setMobileMode(true); }); it("shows kabab and hides regular menu", () => { cy.get(masthead.userDrpDwn).should("not.exist"); cy.get(masthead.userDrpDwnKebab).should("exist"); }); // TODO: Add test for help when using kebab menu. // Feature not yet implemented for kebab. goToAcctMgtTest(); logOutTest(); });