=== Leveraging Java EE The user storage providers can be packaged within any Java EE component if you set up the `META-INF/services` file correctly to point to your providers. For example, if your provider needs to use third-party libraries, you can package up your provider within an EAR and store these third-party libraries in the `lib/` directory of the EAR. Also note that provider JARs can make use of the `jboss-deployment-structure.xml` file that EJBs, WARS, and EARs can use in a JBoss/Wildfly environment. For more details on this file, see the JBoss/Wildfly documentation. It allows you to pull in external dependencies among other fine-grained actions. Implementations of `UserStorageProviderFactory` are required to be plain java objects. But we also currently support implementing `UserStorageProvider` classes as Stateful EJBs. This is especially useful if you want to use JPA to connect to a relational store. This is how you would do it: [source,java] ---- @Stateful @Local(EjbExampleUserStorageProvider.class) public class EjbExampleUserStorageProvider implements UserStorageProvider, UserLookupProvider, UserRegistrationProvider, UserQueryProvider, CredentialInputUpdater, CredentialInputValidator, OnUserCache { @PersistenceContext protected EntityManager em; protected ComponentModel model; protected KeycloakSession session; public void setModel(ComponentModel model) { this.model = model; } public void setSession(KeycloakSession session) { this.session = session; } @Remove @Override public void close() { } ... } ---- You have to define the `@Local` annotation and specify your provider class there. If you do not do this, EJB will not proxy the user correctly and your provider won't work. You must put the `@Remove` annotation on the `close()` method of your provider. If you do not, the stateful bean will never be cleaned up and you might eventually see error messages. Implementations of `UserStorageProviderFactory` are required to be plain java objects. Your factory class would perform a JNDI lookup of the Stateful EJB in its create() method. [source,java] ---- public class EjbExampleUserStorageProviderFactory implements UserStorageProviderFactory { @Override public EjbExampleUserStorageProvider create(KeycloakSession session, ComponentModel model) { try { InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); EjbExampleUserStorageProvider provider = (EjbExampleUserStorageProvider)ctx.lookup( "java:global/user-storage-jpa-example/" + EjbExampleUserStorageProvider.class.getSimpleName()); provider.setModel(model); provider.setSession(session); return provider; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } ---- This example also assumes that you have defined a JPA deployment in the same JAR as the provider. This means a `persistence.xml` file as well as any JPA `@Entity` classes. WARNING: When using JPA any additional datasource must be an XA datasource. The {{book.project.name}} datasource is not an XA datasource. If you interact with two or more non-XA datasources in the same transaction, the server returns an error message. Only one non-XA resource is permitted in a single transaction. See the JBoss/Wildfly manual for more details on deploying an XA datasource.