# Keycloak Admin Console V2 This project is the next generation of the Keycloak Administration Console. It is written with React and PatternFly 4. ### Development Instructions For development on this project you will need a running Keycloak server listening on port 8180. You will also need [yarn installed on your local machine.](https://classic.yarnpkg.com) 1. Start keycloak * Download Keycloak server from [https://www.keycloak.org/downloads]() * Start Keycloak server like this from the bin directory: ```bash $> standalone -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100 ``` * or download and run with one command ```bash $> ./start.js ``` 1. Go to the clients section of the exising Keycloak Admin Console and add the client * like this: ![realm settings](./realm-settings.png "Realm Settings") * or click on the "Select file" button and import `security-admin-console-v2.json` 1. Install dependecies and run: ```bash $> yarn $> yarn start ``` ### Additionally there are some nice scripts to format and lint ```bash $> yarn format $> yarn lint ``` To switch to a RH-SSO themed version of this console you can run: ```bash $> npx grunt switch-rh-sso ``` To switch back just do a `git checkout public`