{ "resources": [ { "name": "Default Resource", "uri": "/*", "type": "urn:hello-world-authz-service:resources:default" } ], "policies": [ { "name": "Only From Realm Policy", "description": "A policy that grants access only for users within this realm", "type": "js", "config": { "applyPolicies": "[]", "code": "var context = $evaluation.getContext();\n\n// using attributes from the evaluation context to obtain the realm\nvar contextAttributes = context.getAttributes();\nvar realmName = contextAttributes.getValue('kc.realm.name').asString(0);\n\n// using attributes from the identity to obtain the issuer\nvar identity = context.getIdentity();\nvar identityAttributes = identity.getAttributes();\nvar issuer = identityAttributes.getValue('iss').asString(0);\n\n// only users from the realm have access granted \nif (issuer.endsWith(realmName)) {\n $evaluation.grant();\n}" } }, { "name": "Default Permission", "description": "A permission that applies to the default resource type", "type": "resource", "config": { "defaultResourceType": "urn:hello-world-authz-service:resources:default", "default": "true", "applyPolicies": "[\"Only From Realm Policy\"]" } } ] }