{ "realm-settings": { "partialImport": "Partial import", "partialExport": "Partial export", "deleteRealm": "Delete realm", "deleteConfirmTitle": "Delete realm?", "deleteConfirm": "If you delete this realm, all associated data will be removed.", "deletedSuccess": "The realm has been deleted", "deleteError": "Could not delete realm: {{error}}", "disableConfirmTitle": "Disable realm?", "disableConfirm": "User and clients can't access the realm if it's disabled. Are you sure you want to continue?", "saveSuccess": "Realm successfully updated", "saveError": "Realm could not be updated: {error}", "general": "General", "realmId": "Realm ID", "displayName": "Display name", "htmlDisplayName": "HTML Display name", "frontendUrl": "Frontend URL", "requireSsl": "Require SSL", "sslType": { "all": "All requests", "external": "External requests", "none": "None" }, "userManagedAccess": "User-managed access", "endpoints": "Endpoints", "openEndpointConfiguration": "Open Endpoint Configuration", "samlIdentityProviderMetadata": "SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata" } }