[id=proc-creating-a-realm_{context}] = Creating a realm [role="_abstract"] You create a realm to provide a management space where you can create users and give them permissions to use applications. At first login, you are typically in the _master_ realm, the top-level realm from which you create other realms. .Procedure . Point to the top of the left pane. . Click *Add Realm*. + .Add Realm Menu image:{project_images}/add-realm-menu.png[] . Enter a name for the realm. . Click *Create*. + .Create Realm image:{project_images}/create-realm.png[] The current realm is now set to the realm you just created. You can switch between managing different realms by pointing to the top left corner to click *Select Realm*. ifdef::standalone[] [role="_additional-resources"] .Additional resources Alternatively you can import a JSON document that defines your new realm. For more detail, see the xref:assembly-exporting-importing_{context}[Export and Import] chapter. endif::[]