// // This file contains attributes for Red Hat Runtimes product docs. // // //Metering labels: product specific // //Each product team must uniquely define two attributes in their projects. //This file gets automatically overwritten so treat it as READ only!! //Define the correct product version. //:component-version: x.y.z //Define the component name. //:component-name: "Data_Grid" //:component-name: "Vert.X" //:component-name: "EAP" //:component-name: "JBoss_Web_Server" //:component-name: "SSO" //:component-name: "AMQ_Broker" //:component-name: "Quarkus" //:component-name: "Spring_Boot" //:component-name: "Thorntail" //:component-name: "Node.js" //Be sure ProductName resolves if you don't already define it. //:ProductName: Data Grid // //Metering labels: common // //These metering labels apply to all Runtimes products. Do not change them. :component-type: application :product-name: "Red_Hat_Runtimes" :product-version: 2020/Q2 // //Links // :metering-doc-root: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/openshift_container_platform/4.6/html/metering/index