[[_theme_resource]] === Theme Resources When implementing custom providers in {project_name} there may often be a need to add additional templates, resources and messages bundles. ifeval::[{project_community}==true] An example use-case would be a <<_auth_spi,custom authenticator>> that requires additional templates and resources. endif::[] The easiest way to load additional theme resources is to create a JAR with templates in `theme-resources/templates` resources in `theme-resources/resources` and messages bundles in `theme-resources/messages`. If you want a more flexible way to load templates and resources that can be achieved through the ThemeResourceSPI. By implementing `ThemeResourceProviderFactory` and `ThemeResourceProvider` you can decide exactly how to load templates and resources. [role="_additional-resources"] .Additional resources * Follow the steps in <<_providers,Service Provider Interfaces>> for more details on how to create and deploy a custom provider.