{ "roles": { "attributes": "Attributes", "addAttributeText": "Add an attribute", "deleteAttributeText": "Delete an attribute", "associatedRolesText": "Associated roles", "addAssociatedRolesText": "Add associated roles", "addAssociatedRolesSuccess": "Associated roles have been added", "associatedRolesModalTitle": "Add roles to {{name}}", "title": "Realm roles", "addRole": "Add role", "createRole": "Create role", "importRole": "Import role", "roleID": "Role ID", "homeURL": "Home URL", "roleExplain": "Realm-level roles are a global namespace to define your roles.", "roleCreateExplain": "This is some description", "roleName": "Role name", "roleDetails": "Role details", "composite": "Composite", "deleteRole": "Delete this role", "details": "Details", "inheritedFrom": "Inherited from", "roleList": "Role list", "searchFor": "Search role by name", "generalSettings": "General Settings", "capabilityConfig": "Capability config", "roleImportError": "Could not import role", "roleCreated": "Role created", "roleCreateError": "Could not create role: {{error}}", "roleImportSuccess": "Role import successful", "roleDeleteConfirm": "Delete role?", "roleDeleteConfirmDialog": "This action will permanently delete the role {{selectedRoleName}} and cannot be undone.", "roleDeletedSuccess": "The role has been deleted", "roleDeleteError": "Could not delete role: {{error}}", "roleSaveSuccess": "The role has been saved", "roleSaveError": "Could not save role: {{error}}", "noRolesInThisRealm": "No roles in this realm", "noRolesInThisRealmInstructions": "You haven't created any roles in this realm. Create a role to get started.", "roleAuthentication": "Role authentication", "removeAllAssociatedRoles": "Remove all associated roles", "removeAssociatedRoles": "Remove associated roles", "removeRoles": "Remove roles", "removeAllAssociatedRolesConfirmDialog": "This action will remove the associated roles of {{name}}. Users who have permission to {{name}} will no longer have access to these roles.", "roleRemoveAssociatedRoleConfirm": "Remove associated role?", "roleRemoveAssociatedText": "This action will remove {{role}} from {{roleName}. All the associated roles of {{role}} will also be removed.", "compositeRoleOff": "Composite role turned off", "associatedRolesRemoved": "Associated roles have been removed", "compositesRemovedAlertDescription": "All the associated roles have been removed" } }