{ "accept": "Accept", "accessGrantedOn": "Access granted on", "accountSecurity": "Account security", "add": "Add", "application": "Application", "applicationDetails": "Application details", "applications": "Applications", "applicationsIntroMessage": "Track and manage your app permission to access your account", "applicationType": "Application type", "avatar": "Avatar", "cancel": "Cancel", "client": "Client", "clients": "Clients", "close": "Close", "currentSession": "Current session", "description": "Description", "device-activity": "Device activity", "deviceActivity": "Device activity", "doDeny": "Deny", "done": "Done", "doSignOut": "Sign out", "edit": "Edit", "editTheResource": "Share the resource - {{0}}", "errorSignOutMessage": "Could not be signed out: {{error}}", "expires": "Expires", "filterByName": "Filter By Name ...", "firstName": "First name", "fullName": "{{givenName}} {{familyName}}", "groups": "Groups", "infoMessage": "By clicking Remove Access, you will remove granted permissions of this application. This application will no longer use your information.", "internalApp": "Internal", "inUse": "In use", "ipAddress": "IP address", "lastAccessedOn": "Last accessed", "lastName": "Last name", "linkedAccounts": "Linked accounts", "logo": "Logo", "manageAccount": "Manage account", "myResources": "My Resources", "name": "Name", "notInUse": "Not in use", "offlineAccess": "Offline access", "permissionRequest": "Permission requests - {{0}}", "permissionRequests": "Permission requests", "permissions": "Permissions", "personalInfo": "Personal info", "personalInfoDescription": "Manage your basic information", "privacyPolicy": "Privacy policy", "refreshPage": "Refresh the page", "removeButton": "Remove access", "removeModalMessage": "This will remove the currently granted access permission for {{0}}. You will need to grant access again if you want to use this app.", "removeModalTitle": "Remove access", "requestor": "Requestor", "required": "Required", "resourceAlreadyShared": "Resource is already shared with this user.", "resourceIntroMessage": "Share your resources among team members", "resourceName": "Resource name", "resources": "Resources", "resourceSharedWith_one": "Resource is shared with <0>{{username}}", "resourceSharedWith_other": "Resource is shared with <0>{{username}} and <1>{{other}} other users", "resourceSharedWith_zero": "This resource is not shared.", "share": "Share", "sharedWithMe": "Shared with Me", "shareTheResource": "Share the resource - {{0}}", "shareUser": "Add users to share your resource with", "shareWith": "Share with ", "signedInDevices": "Signed in devices", "signedInDevicesExplanation": "Sign out of any unfamiliar devices.", "signedOutSession": "Signed out {{0}}/{{1}}", "signingIn": "Signing in", "signOut": "Sign out", "signOutAllDevices": "Sign out all devices", "signOutAllDevicesWarning": "This action will sign out all the devices that have signed in to your account, including the current device you are using.", "somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong", "somethingWentWrongDescription": "Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred.", "started": "Started", "status": "Status", "termsOfService": "Terms of service", "thirdPartyApp": "Third-party", "tryAgain": "Try again", "unknownOperatingSystem": "Unknown operating system", "unknownUser": "Anonymous", "unShare": "Unshare all", "user": "User", "username": "Username", "usernamePlaceholder": "Username or email", "welcomeMessage": "Welcome to Keycloak Account Management." }