<#import "/templates/options.adoc" as opts> <#macro guide title summary priority=999 deniedCategories="" includedOptions="" preview="" tileVisible="true" previewDiscussionLink=""> :guide-id: ${id} :guide-title: ${title} :guide-summary: ${summary} :guide-priority: ${priority} :guide-tile-visible: ${tileVisible} :version: ${version} include::../attributes.adoc[] [[${id}]] = ${title} ifeval::["${preview}" == "true"] WARNING: This {section} is describing a feature which is currently in preview. ifeval::["${previewDiscussionLink}" == ""] Please provide your feedback while we’re continuing to work on this. endif::[] ifeval::["${previewDiscussionLink}" != ""] Please provide your feedback by link:${previewDiscussionLink}[joining this discussion] while we’re continuing to work on this. endif::[] endif::[] <#nested> <#if includedOptions?has_content> == Relevant options <@opts.list options=ctx.options.getOptions(includedOptions, deniedCategories) anchor=false>