// Module included in the following assemblies: // // server_admin/topics/users.adoc [id="con-user-impersonation_{context}"] = User Impersonation An administrator with the appropriate permissions can impersonate a user. For example, if a user experiences a bug in an application, an administrator can impersonate the user to investigate or duplicate the issue. Any user with the `impersonation` role in the realm can impersonate a user. image:{project_images}/user-details.png[] * If the administrator and the user are in the same realm, then the administrator will be logged out and automatically logged in as the user being impersonated. * If the administrator and user are in different realms, the administrator will remain logged in, and additionally will be logged in as the user in that user's realm. In both instances, the *User Account Management* page of the impersonated user is displayed. You can access the *Impersonate* button from the *Details* tab on the *Users* page. .Additional resources * For more information on assigning administration permissions, see the <<_admin_permissions,Admin Console Access Control>> chapter.