[id="proc-configuring-remote-cache-{context}"] = Configuring Remote Cache Stores on {project_name} After you set up remote {jdgserver_name} clusters to back up {jdgserver_name} data, you can configure the Infinispan subsystem to use those clusters as remote stores. .Prerequisites * Set up remote {jdgserver_name} clusters that can back up {jdgserver_name} data. * Create a truststore that contains the SSL certificate with the {jdgserver_name} Server identity. .Procedure . Add the truststore to the {project_name} deployment. . Create a socket binding that points to your {jdgserver_name} cluster. + [source,xml,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- <1> <2> <3> ---- <1> Names the socket binding as `remote-cache`. <2> Specifies one or more hostnames for the {jdgserver_name} cluster. <3> Defines the port of `11222` where the Hot Rod endpoint listens. + . Add the `org.keycloak.keycloak-model-infinispan` module to the `keycloak` cache container in the Infinispan subsystem. + [source,xml,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- ---- + . Create a `hotrod-client.properties` file with the following content: + [source,xml,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- infinispan.client.hotrod.server_list = server1:11222 infinispan.client.hotrod.auth_username = myuser infinispan.client.hotrod.auth_password = qwer1234! infinispan.client.hotrod.auth_realm = default infinispan.client.hotrod.auth_server_name = infinispan infinispan.client.hotrod.sasl_mechanism = SCRAM-SHA-512 infinispan.client.hotrod.trust_store_file_name = /path/to/truststore.jks infinispan.client.hotrod.trust_store_type = JKS infinispan.client.hotrod.trust_store_password = password ---- + . Add `hotrod-client.properties` to the classpath of your {project_name} server. For example: + [source,xml,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- ./standalone.sh ... -P ---- . Update a replicated cache named `work` that is in the Infinispan subsystem with the following configuration: + [source,xml,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- <1> remote-servers="remote-cache" <3> passivation="false" fetch-state="false" purge="false" preload="false" shared="true"> true org.keycloak.cluster.infinispan.KeycloakHotRodMarshallerFactory ---- <1> Names the cache in the {jdgserver_name} configuration. <2> Names the corresponding cache on the remote {jdgserver_name} cluster. <3> Specifies the `remote-cache` socket binding. + The preceding cache configuration includes recommended settings for {jdgserver_name} caches. Hot Rod client configuration properties specify the {jdgserver_name} user credentials and SSL keystore and truststore details. + Refer to the ifeval::[{project_community}==true] https://infinispan.org/docs/11.0.x/titles/xsite/xsite.html#configure_clients-xsite[{jdgserver_name} documentation] endif::[] ifeval::[{project_product}==true] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_data_grid/8.1/html-single/data_grid_guide_to_cross-site_replication/index#configure_clients-xsite[{jdgserver_name} documentation] endif::[] for descriptions of each property. . Add distributed caches to the Infinispan subsystem for each of the following caches: + * sessions * clientSessions * offlineSessions * offlineClientSessions * actionTokens * loginFailures + For example, add a cache named `sessions` with the following configuration: + [source,xml,options="nowrap",subs=attributes+] ---- owners="1"> <2> remote-servers="remote-cache" <4> passivation="false" fetch-state="false" purge="false" preload="false" shared="true"> true org.keycloak.cluster.infinispan.KeycloakHotRodMarshallerFactory ---- <1> Names the cache in the {jdgserver_name} configuration. <2> Configures one replica of each cache entry across the {jdgserver_name} cluster. <3> Names the corresponding cache on the remote {jdgserver_name} cluster. <4> Specifies the `remote-cache` socket binding. + . Start {project_name}. ifeval::[{project_product}==true] [role="_additional-resources"] .Additional resources link:https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_data_grid/8.1/html-single/configuring_data_grid/index[Data Grid Configuration Guide] + link:https://access.redhat.com/webassets/avalon/d/red-hat-data-grid/8.1/api/org/infinispan/client/hotrod/configuration/package-summary.html[Hot Rod Client Configuration API] + link:https://access.redhat.com/webassets/avalon/d/red-hat-data-grid/8.1/configdocs/[Data Grid Configuration Schema Reference] endif::[]