{ "listExplain": "Identity providers are social networks or identity brokers that allow users to authenticate to Keycloak.", "searchForProvider": "Search for provider", "providerDetails": "Provider details", "addProvider": "Add provider", "addMapper": "Add mapper", "addIdPMapper": "Add Identity Provider Mapper", "editIdPMapper": "Edit Identity Provider Mapper", "mappersList": "Mappers list", "noMappers": "No Mappers", "noMappersInstructions": "There are currently no mappers for this identity provider.", "searchForMapper": "Search for mapper", "addKeycloakOpenIdProvider": "Add Keycloak OpenID Connect provider", "addOpenIdProvider": "Add OpenID Connect provider", "addSamlProvider": "Add SAML provider", "manageDisplayOrder": "Manage display order", "deleteProvider": "Delete provider?", "deleteProviderMapper": "Delete mapper?", "deleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the provider '{{provider}}'?", "deleteMapperConfirm": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the mapper {{mapper}}?", "deleteMapperSuccess": "Mapper successfully deleted.", "deletedSuccess": "Provider successfully deleted.", "deleteError": "Could not delete the provider {{error}}", "disableProvider": "Disable provider?", "disableConfirm": "Are you sure you want to disable the provider '{{provider}}'", "disableSuccess": "Provider successfully disabled", "disableError": "Could not disable the provider {{error}}", "updateSuccess": "Provider successfully updated", "updateError": "Could not update the provider {{error}}", "getStarted": "To get started, select a provider from the list below.", "addIdentityProvider": "Add {{provider}} provider", "redirectURI": "Redirect URI", "clientId": "Client ID", "clientSecret": "Client Secret", "displayOrder": "Display order", "endpoints": "Endpoints", "samlEndpointsLabel": "SAML 2.0 Service Provider Metadata", "createSuccess": "Identity provider successfully created", "createError": "Could not create the identity provider: {{error}}", "orderDialogIntro": "The order that the providers are listed in the login page or the Account UI. You can drag the row handles to change the order.", "manageOrderTableAria": "List of identity providers in the order listed on the login page", "orderChangeSuccess": "Successfully changed display order of identity providers", "orderChangeError": "Could not change display order of identity providers {{error}}", "alias": "Alias", "displayName": "Display name", "useDiscoveryEndpoint": "Use discovery endpoint", "discoveryEndpoint": "Discovery endpoint", "useEntityDescriptor": "Use entity descriptor", "samlEntityDescriptor": "SAML entity descriptor", "ssoServiceUrl": "Single Sign-On service URL", "singleLogoutServiceUrl": "Single logout service URL", "nameIdPolicyFormat": "NameID policy format", "persistent": "Persistent", "transient": "Transient", "email": "Email", "kerberos": "Kerberos", "x509": "X.509 Subject Name", "windowsDomainQN": "Windows Domain Qualified Name", "unspecified": "Unspecified", "principalType": "Principal type", "principalAttribute": "Principal attribute", "allowCreate": "Allow create", "subjectNameId": "Subject NameID", "attributeName": "Attribute [Name]", "attributeFriendlyName": "Attribute [Friendly Name]", "claim": "Claim", "claimValue": "Claim Value", "claims": "Claims", "socialProfileJSONFieldPath": "Social Profile JSON Field Path", "mapperAttributeName": "Attribute Name", "mapperUserAttributeName": "User Attribute Name", "mapperAttributeFriendlyName": "Friendly name", "httpPostBindingResponse": "HTTP-POST binding response", "httpPostBindingAuthnRequest": "HTTP-POST binding for AuthnRequest", "httpPostBindingLogout": "HTTP-POST binding logout", "wantAuthnRequestsSigned": "Want AuthnRequests signed", "signatureAlgorithm": "Signature algorithm", "samlSignatureKeyName": "SAML signature key name", "wantAssertionsSigned": "Want Assertions signed", "wantAssertionsEncrypted": "Want Assertions encrypted", "forceAuthentication": "Force authentication", "validatingX509Certs": "Validating X509 certificates", "signServiceProviderMetadata": "Sign service provider metadata", "passSubject": "Pass subject", "serviceProviderEntityId": "Service provider entity ID", "identityProviderEntityId": "Identity provider entity ID", "importConfig": "Import config from file", "showMetaData": "Show metadata", "hideMetaData": "Hide metadata", "noValidMetaDataFound": "No valid metadata was found at this URL: '{{error}}'", "advanced": "Advanced", "metadataOfDiscoveryEndpoint": "Metadata of the discovery endpoint", "authorizationUrl": "Authorization URL", "passLoginHint": "Pass login_hint", "passMaxAge": "Pass max_age", "passCurrentLocale": "Pass current locale", "tokenUrl": "Token URL", "logoutUrl": "Logout URL", "backchannelLogout": "Backchannel logout", "disableUserInfo": "Disable user info", "userInfoUrl": "User Info URL", "issuer": "Issuer", "scopes": "Scopes", "prompt": "Prompt", "prompts": { "unspecified": "Unspecified", "none": "None", "consent": "Consent", "login": "Login", "select_account": "Select account" }, "clientAuthentication": "Client authentication", "clientAuthentications": { "client_secret_post": "Client secret sent as post", "client_secret_basic": "Client secret sent as basic auth", "client_secret_jwt": "Client secret as jwt", "private_key_jwt": "JWT signed with private key" }, "acceptsPromptNone": "Accepts prompt=none forward from client", "validateSignature": "Validate Signatures", "useJwksUrl": "Use JWKS URL", "jwksUrl": "JWKS URL", "pkceEnabled": "Use PKCE", "pkceMethod": "PKCE Method", "allowedClockSkew": "Allowed clock skew", "attributeConsumingServiceIndex": "Attribute Consuming Service Index", "attributeConsumingServiceName": "Attribute Consuming Service Name", "forwardParameters": "Forwarded query parameters", "generalSettings": "General settings", "oidcSettings": "OpenID Connect settings", "samlSettings": "SAML settings", "advancedSettings": "Advanced settings", "reqAuthnConstraints": "Requested AuthnContext Constraints", "keyID": "KEY_ID", "NONE": "NONE", "certSubject": "CERT_SUBJECT", "storeTokens": "Store tokens", "storedTokensReadable": "Stored tokens readable", "comparison": "Comparison", "authnContextClassRefs": "AuthnContext ClassRefs", "addAuthnContextClassRef": "Add AuthnContext ClassRef", "authnContextDeclRefs": "AuthnContext DeclRefs", "addAuthnContextDeclRef": "Add AuthnContext DeclRef", "trustEmail": "Trust Email", "accountLinkingOnly": "Account linking only", "hideOnLoginPage": "Hide on login page", "firstBrokerLoginFlowAlias": "First login flow", "postBrokerLoginFlowAlias": "Post login flow", "syncMode": "Sync mode", "syncModes": { "inherit": "Inherit", "import": "Import", "legacy": "Legacy", "force": "Force" }, "syncModeOverride": "Sync mode override", "mapperType": "Mapper type", "regexAttributeValues": "Regex Attribute Values", "regexClaimValues": "Regex Claim Values", "selectRole": "Select role", "mapperCreateSuccess": "Mapper created successfully.", "mapperCreateError": "Error creating mapper.", "mapperSaveSuccess": "Mapper saved successfully.", "mapperSaveError": "Error saving mapper: {{error}}", "userAttribute": "User Attribute", "attributeValue": "Attribute Value", "userAttributeValue": "User Attribute Value", "userSessionAttribute": "User Session Attribute", "userSessionAttributeValue": "User Session Attribute Value", "template": "Template", "target": "Target", "targetOptions": { "local": "LOCAL", "brokerId": "BROKER_ID", "brokerUsername": "BROKER_USERNAME" }, "baseUrl": "Base URL", "apiUrl": "API URL", "facebook": { "fetchedFields": "Additional user's profile fields" }, "google": { "hostedDomain": "Hosted Domain", "userIp": "Use userIp Param", "offlineAccess": "Request refresh token" }, "paypal": { "sandbox": "Target Sandbox" }, "stackoverflow": { "key": "Key" }, "linkedin": { "profileProjection": "Profile Projection" } }