[id="proc-creating-oidc-client_{context}"] = Creating an OpenID Connect Client [role="_abstract"] To protect an application that uses the OpenID connect protocol, you create a client. .Procedure . Click *Clients* in the menu. . Click *Create* to go to the *Add Client* page. + .Add client image:{project_images}/add-client-oidc.png[Add Client] . Enter any name for *Client ID.* . Enter the base URL of your application in the *Root URL* field. . Click *Save*. + This action creates the client and bring you to the *Settings* tab. + .Client settings tab image:{project_images}/client-settings-oidc.png[Client Settings tab] [role="_additional-resources"] .Additional resources * For more information about the OIDC protocol, see xref:con-oidc_{context}[OpenID Connect].